Health authorizes the first and only vaccine against EHE to a laboratory in León – CYL News

The first cases of epizootic hemorrhagic disease of serotype 8 were reported in November 2022, in Italy.

In a short time, several outbreaks in southern Spainin Extremadura and Andalusia.

Shortly after, it spread to a large number of farms throughout Spain. Later, in September 2023, France reported the first outbreaks of the disease.

And, although it does not affect humans, EHE is one of the diseases transmitted by vectors, an Orbivirus like that of the Blue Tonguewhose serotype 3 (BTV3) was introduced in 2023 in Europe.

Furthermore, it has recently been detected in Spain, and seriously affects some ruminants, especially in sheep and cattle.

Therefore, vaccination is the most effective method for the prevention and control of both Bluetongue and Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease.

In the case of EHE, a ‘DIVA’ vaccine is available for the first time in Europe, which represents a step forward and a key innovation for the control of the disease.

Innovation and technology

Syva has decided to contribute an innovative vaccine, which also allows the application in the future of a Diva strategy to offer veterinarians and livestock farmers, that is, a useful and effective tool for the fight against this epizootic.

What vaccine is ‘DIVA’

‘DIVA’ is the acronym for «Differentiation between Infected and Vaccinated Animals». And, Syvac Laboratories is based on so-called subunit technology.

So a subunit vaccine only contains parts (or “subunits”) of a virus or bacteria, rather than the entire microorganism.

Those parts are specific proteins of the virus that the immune system can recognize to trigger the desired immune response in vaccinated animals.

Finally, marker vaccines induce an immune response different from that induced by a natural infection.

In the context of EHE, as in other notifiable diseases, having Syvac laboratories represents a before and after in the fight against this disease.

Behold the Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease!

So, hang on to your hats, folks! The world of livestock has just rolled out a red carpet for epizootic hemorrhagic disease (a real tongue-twister, isn’t it?), first making its show-stopping appearance in Italy back in November 2022. Picture it: Italy, known for its pasta and stunning views, suddenly hosting a disease that’s not quite the same as a good old fashioned wine hangover!

Fast forward to a dramatic storyline unfolding in southern Spain, where it made a swift cameo. Oh, Extremadura and Andalusia, you really know how to throw a party! And let’s not ignore the sequels—because shortly after, this little troublemaker spread its wings across multiple farms in Spain. That’s right, not just one farm, but *multiple*! We’re talking about a road trip for the ages here. Next stop: a showing in France just in time for the fall season. “Bonjour, le malheur!”

But before you start planning your next Mediterranean getaway, let me clarify that despite its menacing name, this disease is not the kind of thing that affects humans. It’s like that cheeky kid at school who never gets in trouble, yet somehow ruins everyone else’s fun. Instead, it messes with our beloved ruminants—sheep and cows. You know, the fluffy ones we admire while munching on our cheese and sipping wine. Sad times.

Now, here’s the kicker: This isn’t just any run-of-the-mill pest; epizootic hemorrhagic disease is transmitted by vectors—yes, vectors! And before you start imagining some sci-fi movie, let’s clarify. Think of it more like a bad Tinder date: it spreads, and suddenly you’re left with regrets. Speaking of unwanted visitors, our old friend, the Blue Tongue disease, decided to tag along in 2023, making its own debut in Europe. Seriously, somebody stop this disease hype train!

Vaccination: The Real MVP

Now, before you toss your head back in despair, let’s talk prevention! Who doesn’t love a good vaccine—take it from me, they’re the real MVP (Most Valuable Prevention). Vaccination is the ace up our sleeves against both Blue Tongue and our new frenemy, EHE. Get ready to roll up those sleeves, because it’s time to get these ruminants vaccinated!

In fact, there’s something even more exciting happening in the vaccination world: a ‘DIVA’ vaccine! Yes, you heard that right—a DIVA vaccine! It’s not just a catchy name; it’s a significant innovation giving veterinarians—and let’s not forget the livestock farmers—an incredible tool to combat this epizootic. It’s like giving them a superhero cape in the fight against disease!

What’s a ‘DIVA’ Vaccine, Anyway?

For those of you still Googling it, ‘DIVA’ stands for «Differentiation between Infected and Vaccinated Animals». Fancy, right? It’s like your posh relative showing up at dinner with a three-piece suit when you’re only wearing a T-shirt! And Syvac Laboratories isn’t just in the game; they’re leading the pack with subunit technology. This means that the vaccine contains only those specific proteins from the virus—the ones that make the immune system sit up and take notice. This is science at work, folks!

Let’s break it down: a subunit vaccine is like having a slice of cake without the calories. You get the good stuff (the proteins) without having to deal with the entire virus! So white knuckling through a natural infection becomes entirely unnecessary. If only there was a vaccine for awkward social interactions, right?

In closing, with the advent of these advanced marker vaccines, we’re looking at a new dawn in the battle against epizootic hemorrhagic disease. Having Syvac laboratories onboard feels like we’ve dialed up our favorite video game and unlocked the cheat codes. It’s game on against EHE, and the livestock should be feeling pretty good about that! So, the next time you sip your wine and nibble your cheese, raise a glass to innovation and technology helping our furry friends. Cheers!



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