Health Authority Implements Lifelong Ban on Six Prepaid Medical Companies

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The Health Superintendency of the Ministry of Public Health, by resolution No. 199/2024, ordered the definitive removal and exclusion from the Registry of Prepaid Medicine Companies of six companies that are in total breach of the requirements established in the provisions and regulations, according to the Audit Department.

The ministerial resolution affects the companies Código Rojo, a pre-hospital prepaid health insurance company; Cruz Blanca SA, a general prepaid health insurance company, both from Asunción; the Paraguayan Cardiovascular Foundation, Heart Hospital – Prepaid Division of Lambaré -; El Gato Negro SA of San Lorenzo. In addition to Sanatorio Samaritano – Prepaid Division of Asunción and Silpe SA – Paraguayan Medical Insurance, from Fernando de la Mora.

The Accounting Audit Department found that these six companies have been in total breach of the requirements established in the provisions and regulations that govern their operation for a period of more than 3 years, since there is currently no record of their accounting statements, financial situation and it could not be verified that they are operational, as well as the nonexistence of offices or establishments at the time of their registration with the Superintendency of Health, nor could it be verified with any responsible party.

The recital also states that by Law 1032/93, the Health Superintendency is in charge of the accreditation and quality control of health services offered by the public and private health system of the Republic of Paraguay and that by resolution No. 199/2024, it orders the definitive withdrawal and exclusion from the Registry of Prepaid Medicine Companies of the aforementioned firms.

#Superintendency #Health #orders #definitive #closure #prepaid #medical #companies
2024-09-11 21:30:23

Paraguay⁢ healthcare⁢ system

The Ministry of Public Health and Social ⁢Welfare⁢ in Paraguay: Ensuring Quality Healthcare

The Ministry‌ of Public Health ‍and Social Welfare in Paraguay⁣ is a vital institution responsible⁤ for ensuring the health and well-being of the country’s citizens. The ministry is committed​ to providing quality healthcare services,⁤ promoting healthy living, and protecting⁣ the population ⁢from health threats.

Institutional Strategic Plan

The ⁤Ministry of ​Public Health and Social Welfare has a comprehensive Institutional Strategic Plan (ISP) in place, which outlines its goals, objectives, and strategies for the period ‍2019-2023 [1[1[1[1[1[1[1[1]. The ISP was developed through a collaborative⁢ process involving multiple stakeholders and is​ aimed at improving the healthcare system⁤ in Paraguay.

Minister of Public Health and Social Welfare

The current Minister of Public Health ⁢and Social Welfare is Dr. María Teresa Barán Wasilchuk, a surgeon and specialist in Family Medicine [3[3[3[3[3[3[3[3]. Under her leadership, the‍ ministry‍ has made significant progress in improving the healthcare​ system in Paraguay.

Health ⁣Superintendency

The Health Superintendency of the Ministry‌ of⁣ Public Health ​is responsible for accrediting and quality control of health services offered by the public and⁣ private health system in Paraguay [4[4[4[4[4[4[4[4]. The superintendency recently ordered the definitive removal and exclusion from the Registry of Prepaid⁤ Medicine Companies of six companies⁤ that failed to comply with the requirements established⁢ in‍ the provisions and regulations.

Goals and Objectives

The Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare has several goals‍ and objectives, ⁢including:

Improving access ‌to quality healthcare services‌ for​ all citizens

Reducing health⁤ inequalities and ​promoting health equity

‌Strengthening the healthcare system and improving its⁣ responsiveness⁣ to the‌ needs of the population

Promoting healthy living and preventing diseases

* Protecting the population from health threats and ⁣responding‌ to public health emergencies

International Cooperation

The Ministry of Public Health and Social‌ Welfare collaborates with international organizations and partners to achieve its goals ⁢and ⁣objectives.​ The ministry is ⁢a member of various ‌international health organizations and participates in global health initiatives [2[2[2[2[2[2[2[2].

the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare in Paraguay is a‌ vital institution that plays a crucial role in​ ensuring the health ​and well-being of the country’s citizens. The ministry’s ⁤Institutional Strategic Plan, ⁤leadership, and commitment to improving the healthcare system ⁣in Paraguay are essential in achieving its goals and objectives.

Paraguay healthcare system

Comprehensive Guide to Healthcare in Paraguay: An Overview of the System and Private Health Insurance Options

Paraguay’s healthcare system is a complex network of public and private providers, with a significant portion of the population relying on out-of-pocket expenditures for healthcare services. In this article, we will delve into the healthcare system in Paraguay, exploring the role of private health insurance, financing options, and the current state of the healthcare sector.

The Healthcare System in Paraguay

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Paraguay’s healthcare system is a mixed model, consisting of both public and private providers. The public healthcare system is primarily managed by the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare, which provides basic healthcare services to the population. However, the public healthcare system faces several challenges, including limited resources, inadequate infrastructure, and a shortage of healthcare professionals.

Private Health Insurance in Paraguay

Private health insurance plays a significant role in Paraguay’s healthcare system, particularly for those who can afford it. However, the private health insurance market is relatively limited, with only 11% of private healthcare expenditures coming from pre-paid plans [[1]]. This means that most people in Paraguay rely on out-of-pocket expenditures for healthcare services.

For expats and individuals who can afford it, private health insurance is an option worth considering. Several private insurance providers offer coverage for private hospitals and medical services in Paraguay. However, it’s essential to research and compares the coverage and costs of different providers before making a decision [[3]].

Financing Healthcare in Paraguay

Financing healthcare in Paraguay is a significant challenge. According to a report by, 49.4% of total healthcare spending in Paraguay comes from out-of-pocket expenditures, with the remaining 40.3% financed by the government and 10.3% by private insurance [[2]].

To address the financing challenges, the government has implemented several initiatives, including the introduction of a universal health coverage (UHC) program. The UHC program aims to increase access to healthcare services, particularly for vulnerable populations.

Challenges Facing the Healthcare System in Paraguay

The healthcare system in Paraguay faces several challenges, including:

  1. Limited resources: The healthcare system in Paraguay lacks adequate resources, including infrastructure, equipment, and healthcare professionals.
  2. Inadequate financing: The heavy reliance on out-of-pocket expenditures and limited government financing restricts access to healthcare services.
  3. Quality of care: The quality of healthcare services in Paraguay is a concern, particularly in public hospitals.
  4. Regulation: The healthcare system in Paraguay lacks effective regulation, leading to concerns about the quality of care and safety standards.


the healthcare system in Paraguay is a complex network of public and private providers, with significant challenges facing the sector. While private health insurance is an option for those who can afford it, the majority of the population relies on out-of-pocket expenditures for healthcare services. To address the financing challenges, the government has implemented initiatives such as the universal health coverage program. However, more needs to be done to strengthen the healthcare system in Paraguay and improve



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