Health as a lever for action in the face of climate change: conference proceedings

On April 8, 2022, as part of the French presidency of the European Union, Public Health France and the International Association of National Public Health Institutes (IANPHI) organized a day of discussions on health as a lever for action in the face of to climate change. The speakers offered an overview of the most recent scientific knowledge on the links between climate, biodiversity and health, and discussed existing actions to protect and promote health by adapting to and mitigating climate change.

The proceedings published today are available in French and English. They summarize the key messages and open up courses of action.

Faced with a closing window of action, we must anticipate more, invest in prevention and health promotion, create original partnerships and guarantee the continuity of policies over time. The commitment of the local authorities allows a dynamic and a transverse impulse of the actors and the population in order to raise awareness and initiate measures on the theme of climate change.

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To continue the reflection, a session was organized at the Rencontres de Santé Publique France in June 2022 on the theme of “ Climate change, biodiversity and health: what mobilization of actors to preserve the health of populations at the territorial level? “. The session illustrates cross-sectoral local initiatives favorable to health, climate and biodiversity.

Public Health France is also continuing its actions on monitoring the health effects linked to the climate in France, or developing tools to meet the needs of adaptation to climate change. The work carried out also aims to support ecological transition and mitigation policies, by illustrating the seriousness of the negative effects of climate change, and by highlighting the health co-benefits of these policies. For this, Public Health France is committed to:

  • strengthen and promote its partnerships on climate change and health, at the national and international levels, in particular with the International Association of National Public Health Institutes (IANPHI);
  • produce indicators of the health effects of climate change in France to feed national and regional observatories on the impacts of climate change;
  • support adaptation to heat, via a body of epidemiological studies, and the promotion of adaptation of populations to heat through the definition and implementation of an advocacy strategy;
  • optimize and ensure health surveillance as part of the national heat wave management plan.

Paroles d’Experts”, a new editorial collection by Public Health France

Each year, the Agency organizes colloquiums (or seminars/webinars), during which national and international experts discuss an issue or theme related to major public health issues.

“Paroles d’Experts” aims to promote these colloquia which are, for the most part, recorded and posted on the Public Health France YouTube channel.

This publication, the first issue of which is available in French and English, gives space to partner institutions and the various speakers at these events.



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