Health area captured more than 50% of the increase in Social Spending at the end of July

Asuncion, IP Agency.- More than 50% of the increase recorded in resources allocated to Social Services, which in July was G. 38.9 billion, was mainly allocated to the health area, according to a report from the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF). The amount of the current budget for Social Spending implied an increase of 6%, equivalent to G. 2.3 billion with respect to the initially approved budget.

The institution stressed that the budget increase allowed it to meet key commitments, such as the acquisition of medical and chemical products and instruments for hospitals, laboratories, health centers and posts, as well as the purchase of medical and laboratory equipment. This measure seeks to improve the response capacity of the health system to the growing demands of the population.

He reported that the execution of the 2024 budget at the end of July was G. 19.2 billion, which represents 49% of the current budget for Social Services. The distribution of Social Spending is made up of resources allocated to the Education sector, with 30% (G. 5.8 billion), followed by Health with 29% (G. 5.7 billion), Promotion and Social Action with 20% of the expenditure, Social Security with 16% and Other Expenses with 4%.

The fiscal priority of Social Spending of the Central Administration, as of July, was 58%, which indicates that of every 100 G. executed, 58 G. were allocated to Social Services programs. This percentage exceeds the average fiscal priority of Social Spending of the last ten years, which was 56%.

Among the main programs within social services, the Educational Service Program for the 1st and 2nd Cycle of Basic School Education (EEB) stands out, with an investment of G. 2.4 billion. Also, the Pension Program for Older Adults and the Comprehensive Health Care Program, each with an allocation of G. 1.5 billion.

The MEF highlights that this report underlines the Government’s commitment to strengthening the Health, Education and Social Security sectors, among others, prioritizing essential resources for the well-being and development of the Paraguayan population.

#Health #area #captured #increase #Social #Spending #July
2024-08-15 23:00:34



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