In this framework, various activities will be carried out throughout the month of March.
In the framework of commemoration of Women’s Day, the Ministry of Health and the Society of Cardiology of Santiago del Estero They will promote actions to inform and raise awareness regarding the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, the leading cause of death and disability worldwide.
This Monday night, within the framework of this initiative, the facade of emblematic buildings and monuments throughout our province will light up red, as a prevention message, with the aim of raising awareness regarding the impact of cardiovascular disease on women.
“It is imperative for the Society of Cardiology and for the Ministry of Health to echo this national and global message, since cardiovascular disease is the main cause of death in women, causing 1 in 3 deaths per year. That’s regarding one woman every 11 minutes.
With this campaign we have the objective of ensuring that women have the necessary information on cardiovascular health, that they know how to recognize its warning signs in order to carry out the consultation at the right time. At the same time, we want to ensure that they genuinely incorporate healthy habits to improve their quality of life and that of their families”, explained the Dr. Mauro Ruise, president of the local Cardiology Society and member of the REDES program team, from the health portfolio.
On the other hand, he urged the community to become a means of transmitting this message. “It is regarding knowing our blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar, controlling our weight, eating healthy, exercising frequently, eliminating tobacco, reducing alcohol and salt consumption, resting, calming our minds, socializing and have healthy links, as well as carry out cardiovascular controls and consult whenever the body gives us signals,” Ruise said.
Among the planned actions is the lighting of red during the night of March 7 and early morning of March 8, of the buildings of the Government House, Municipality of the Capital, Deliberative Council of the Capital, Chamber of Deputies; Forum, CCB and emblematic buildings in Bandera, Fernández, La Banda and Termas de Rio Hondo.
Between Monday 7 and Wednesday 9 there will be training on cardiovascular disease in women for health agents and health educators from the UPAs of the Capital and health teams from the interior of the province through Telehealth, which will be replicated during throughout the month of March in their communities.
On Tuesday, March 8, at the Forum, the Society of Cardiology, together with the PHC and NETWORK directorate of the Ministry of Health, will carry out a central prevention session from 7:00 p.m., where blood pressure checks will be carried out, counseling for control risk factors for women, dancing, among other activities.
Activities will continue throughout the month of March.