Health and safety at work: vigilance required when returning from vacation | Radio-Canada

Quebec is calling for vigilance in workplaces as the holiday season approaches. Labour Minister Jean Boulet fears a certain relaxation of good practices in accident prevention.

There are increased risks before the holidays, because people are eager to get away, so there are more distractions, he points out, but the return from the holidays is also a critical period.

When returning from vacation, it is important to meet [les travailleurs] because sometimes there are new personal circumstances: someone is going through a separation or there is an imminent birth, so the person needs to be reminded and [se faire] reiterate that there is personal protective equipment to wear and there are risks that must be identified in order to better control and eliminate them, says Jean Boulet.

At the Trois-Rivières company Madysta, which specializes in the assembly and maintenance of telecommunications towers, awareness of good practices and prevention, checks and health and safety exercises are very important.

Not only do employees need to undergo validation of safety reflexes when returning from vacation, but even when simply returning from the weekend.

We’re going to take the pulse of how their vacation was. We try to see if there’s anything that happened during the vacation, too. We make sure they’re fit for work before they leave, then we ask them if they have any special needs: is your equipment still compliant?, explains Madysta’s safety advisor, David Brousseau.


Louis Cloutier’s report

Photo : Radio-Canada / Luc Lavigne

Between 2019 and 2023, the number of work accidents increased by 10%.

From just over 94,000 in 2019, last year there were just over 103,000 work accidents per year in Quebec.

The minister, however, draws attention to the level of employer contributions, which has decreased by 16% since his major health and safety reform in 2021. He sees this as a good sign.



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