Health alert in Peru due to expansion of monkeypox

|| EFE/AFP / Photo Courtesy

Since yesterday, the Peruvian government decreed a health alert due to the expansion of monkeypox, this due to the cases detected in other countries. “We are declaring the alert from tomorrow, but, in itself, it is already being declared in our country. We still do not have any cases, but yes, the alert is already being declared to prevent any eventuality,” Health Minister Jorge Antonio López said in a statement to the press.

Symptoms are fever, headache, muscle aches, back pain, swollen lymph nodes, and fatigue.


Health authorities in North America and Europe have detected dozens of suspected or confirmed cases of monkeypox since the beginning of May, raising fears that the disease, endemic in parts of Africa, is spreading. Canada was the last country to report that it is investigating more than a dozen suspected cases of the disease, following Spain and Portugal detected more than 40 possible and verified cases. Britain has confirmed nine cases since May 6, and the United States on Wednesday certified the first , that of a man from the state of Massachusetts who had tested positive for the virus following visiting Canada.

The WHO said it was also investigating that many of the reported cases were people who identify as gay, bisexual, or men who have sex with men. “We are seeing transmission between men who have sex with men,” the deputy director-general said. of the WHO IbrahimaSocéFall, at the press conference.”

“Anyone, regardless of sexual orientation, can spread monkeypox through contact with bodily fluids, monkeypox sores, or shared objects (such as clothing and bedding) that have been contaminated with fluids or sores from a person. person with monkeypox,” said



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