Health: a lousy offer | The Journal of Montreal

Last week I was writing regarding voters’ unfathomable complacency towards Trudeau, this repeat offender political scandals. There, given what he offers to the provinces in terms of health transfers, it seems that voters are not the only ones to forgive him for everything unconditionally. The premiers of the provinces also showed him an unspeakable indulgence.

The 13 political leaders demanded a transfer bonus of 280 billion over 10 years. Trudeau offers 46.2 billion, or one-sixth of the amount hoped for. And this offer is final.


Ottawa throws crumbs. And what do prime ministers do? They refuse ? They argue? They slam the door of the meeting? No. They obediently accept!

For Quebec, the supply represents 900 million per year. But François Legault adapts to it. “It’s better to have a small amount than to have nothing,” he says. Maybe ! But when you’re prime minister, it’s even better to fight to raise the stakes.

Remember that the Quebec health budget is $54 billion, or $6,230 per person. The province will welcome at least 50,000 immigrants in 2023. And if the trend continues, 50,000 asylum seekers will go through Roxham Road, which Trudeau insists on keeping open. This will already siphon off 623 million. Add to that the costs associated with the future health data sharing system that Ottawa is calling for, and there will only be trifles left.

Trudeau has the audacity to present a pathetic, even insulting offer. His counterparts should have the courage to cross him. But they are bending over backwards. They crash. But what do they see in Trudeau to make them lose their countenance?


The next time it will be necessary to negotiate with Trudeau, Quebeckers would benefit from entrusting the mandate to a central labor body. Their leaders have an aplomb and a tenacity that our political elite are sorely lacking!



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