Headshot in Brazil: Swiss professor tells of incident – 20 minutes

Published15 August 2024, 11:31

Survived a headshot: “My wife saw me die”: Now the Swiss tourist speaks

A Swiss professor was shot in the head in Salvador, Brazil. He survived and now talks about the traumatic event.


  • A 59-year-old Swiss tourist was shot in the head during a robbery in Salvador, Brazil.

  • The man from Lausanne underwent surgery and is now recovering in hospital after being released from intensive care.

  • Now he told the newspaper “24 heures” about the incident.

A 59-year-old Swiss tourist was shot in the head during a robbery in the Stella Maris district of Salvador, Brazil. Christophe Moser, a professor from Lausanne, underwent surgery after the incident and is now recovering in a hospital in the city.

As soon as he felt better, he spoke to «24 hours» on the phone about the incident.

“There was no reason to attack us”

“We were in the Stella Maris district, which is actually not a bad district,” he begins his remarks. Her car was not luxurious, and he was not wearing a watch on his wrist. “What happened is incomprehensible. There was no reason to attack us,” says the professor.

Nevertheless, it happened: A car stopped in front of her. “It was an ambush. A man got out. He shot at us four times.” Fortunately, the children were not in the car at the time.

“My wife saw me die”

After being hit, Christophe Moser remained unconscious for several minutes. “My wife saw me die. She is the more traumatized of the two of us.” People immediately ran out of the restaurant, which they had left moments earlier, and administered first aid. “I have a lot to thank them for today,” Moser continued.

He apparently owes his life to the fact that the bullet that hit him had previously ricocheted in the passenger compartment. “As a result, it lost some of its speed before reaching the back of the head, where the bone is harder.”

Love for Brazil not dampened

Moser’s wife, who is from Salvador de Bahia, gave an interview to “Bahia Meio Dia” in which she expressed her shame. “I am ashamed that he was shot in my hometown, which I love so much.”

However, the incident has not changed Moser’s opinion of Brazil: “Brazil is a country that I love. That will not change. The people are extraordinary. I like the music. I love the city of Salvador de Bahia. It is a culturally incredible place.” The professor has been spending his holidays with his family in his favorite place for a good ten years. He will continue to do so.

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