Headphones #118: Glimmer is on the way

Life shapes us, brings us to crossroads where we have to make decisions. There is no single right path; dead ends or seemingly empty paths that we take and where we gain experience can make sense in retrospect.

The wonder of the paths that one encounters in life inspired the band around Susi Seyfert, Bernhard Riegler and Martin Lenzelbauer to create an entire album. A slightly melancholic mood runs through the eleven songs, but Seyfert’s voice alone gives it a beautiful poetic note. Musically, “Wonder Ways” is solid in its mix of pop, rock and folk, everything used in a well-measured way and always kept in such a way that the stories take center stage.

The stylish opener “Magic Caps and Gazing Balls”, the touching “Colour of My Love” or the finale “The Day I Argued with the Past”, in which a conciliatory thought creeps in that everything you experience in life simply has to be lived in order to move on – the paths that Glimmer have taken have not always been the same. That is a good thing.

Glimmer “Wonder Ways” (Real Treat Records)

Currently in headphones

Bright Eyes “Bells And Whistles”
If you can happily whistle over the many small details in life that may seem insignificant but can still shape your fate, then everything is fine. Bright Eyes whistle to a wildly orchestrated song that has what it takes to always look at the bright side of life. The forerunner to the tenth studio album by the band of Conor Oberst, Mike Mogis and Nate Walcott is sure to catch your attention from the first second. Happiness that is contagious.

Alvaro Soler “I imagined you”
Sorry. As soon as I hear the Spanish (or Italian) language, my mood immediately lifts. Even when the beats are typically geared towards summer, sun and good mood, like here, I’m already shaking and dancing. That makes summer taste even better.

Gardens „Turning Tables“
A touch of melancholy cannot be denied when the Viennese band around songwriter Luca Celine Müller lectures regarding the changes in life. But change can have a lot of positive effects. You can hear that too. Beautiful indie folk song with a charming voice and beautiful guitars. An album will follow in the fall.

Aloha „Momentnsammler“
A fluffy, relaxed pop song for the lightness of life washes the Styrian duo into the playlists for summer, the season in which we collect moments, memories and (hopefully) good experiences.


Reinhold Gruber

Local editor Linz

Reinhold Gruber

Reinhold Gruber


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