Headphones #104: The slightly different Sigrid Horn

The songwriter’s third album is a work to listen to and think about. In her own, charming way, in the twelve songs she thinks about herself, about the gift of life, about flying, about the need for courage in a time when screamers seem to have the upper hand Not only the big wide world in sight, but also her small personal and private cosmos.

“guidn” is a declaration of love for your child, for the change that results from the birth of a young person who suddenly makes you see your whole life with different eyes. She would give anything for the little creature, she sings, and that with the child everything is golden. “I’ve never been so rich.” Such true, such honest words about the emotional world that comes with the birth of a child.

Dark and hopeful

The production focuses on Horn’s ability to tell her stories in dialect in such a way that you just have to listen to her. And as dark as the song series is in some moments, you can also hear so much joy and hope in the lyrics. Your band, an unusual string quartet, gives “Nest” warmth and a spirit of optimism. With Stefanie Kropfreiter, Marlene Herbst (violas), Ulla Obereigner (violin) and Anna Aigner (cello), she has four musicians at her side who give Horn’s songs a special touch.

The lightness of being is best heard in “treviso”, this ode to life and loving, to the freedom to be able to do. “Hey bua, it’s okay, either you’re vague or you’re there with me” – you could have that written in the log book of your own life. Because if you don’t risk anything, you’ve never tried life. And you should try the songs from “Nest”. Over and over again. They touch the heart, brain and soul.

Sigrid Horn “Nest” (Bader Molden Recordings)


Reinhold Gruber

Local editor Linz

Reinhold Gruber

Reinhold Gruber


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