Produced by Sreelal Devaraj and directed by Rajivnath under the banner of Channel Five, “Headmaster” hits theaters on July 29. Headmaster is a film adaptation of famous writer Karur’s famous short story Potichor. Potichor is a story painted by Karur adding the salt of his own experience to moments in the burning lives of teachers. The film tells the life of a teacher in the 1950s. The film depicts the miseries experienced by the school teachers who walk with the heat and waves of fire inside, unaware of the outside world. In such a way, the film moves forward through the life views of a teacher who had to fight with his own life circumstances and fate. Thambi Antony plays the headmaster and Babu Antony plays the headmaster’s son. and Devi (daughter of actress Jalaja), Sanju Sivaram, Jagadish, Madhupal, Premkumar, Shankar Ramakrishnan, Balaji, Akash Raj (son of lyricist Rajeev Alungal), Kaladi Jayan, Poojapura Radhakrishnan, Sivan Sopanam, Pratap Kumar, Manjupilla, Sethulakshmi, Mini and Darshana Unni. Banner – Channel Five, Director – Rajivnath, Production – Sreelal Devaraj, Screenplay, Dialogue – Rajivnath, KB Venu, Cinematography – Praveen Panicker, Editing – Beanapol, Lyricist – Prabhavarma, Music – Kavalam Sreekumar, Sing – P Jayachandran, Nithya Mamman, Background Music – Rony Raphael, Production Controller – Rajeev Kudappanakun, Art – RK, Costum – Thambi Aryanad, Chamayam – Binu Karumam, Production Executive – Rajan Manakad, Stills – VVS Babu, PRO – Ajay Tundathim.