Head and Neck Cancer: Prevention, Symptoms, and Treatment

2024-01-28 12:14:33

Smoking and drinking are essential for prevention… In addition, safe sex life and regular checkups are necessary.

Entered 2024.01.28 21:10 Entered 2024.01.28 21:10 Modified 2024.01.28 17:07 Views 660

Head and neck cancer is cancer that occurs in the head (including the mouth) and neck area. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Head and neck cancer is cancer that occurs in the head (including the mouth) and neck area. Among them, the most common cancers include laryngeal cancer, oral cancer, and tonsil cancer. If hoarseness persists for a long time or you feel a foreign body in your throat, this may be an early symptom of cancer and you should see a doctor.

The annual number of head and neck cancer cases in Korea increased by 35% over 9 years, from 4,143 cases in 2010 to 5,613 cases in 2019. The 5-year survival rate for head and neck cancer is high, averaging 60%. However, not much is known regarding the risk factors or symptoms of head and neck cancer, so treatment is often missed.

Major suspicious signs include △hoarseness that lasts for more than 6 weeks △oral ulcers that do not heal for more than 3 weeks △red and white spots on the oral mucosa △difficulty swallowing that lasts more than 3 weeks △one nostril consistently blocked or accompanied by discharge △3 weeks If you have symptoms such as deafness on one side that persists for longer, it may be a symptom of head and neck cancer and you should visit a hospital for treatment.

The main cause of head and neck cancer is smoking. The mouth, pharynx, and larynx are the entrances to the respiratory tract and are directly affected by smoking. It is known that smokers have a two to three times higher incidence rate than non-smokers. Drinking is also a trigger, and the risk of developing the disease increases when men drink more than three times the recommended daily amount and women drink more than twice the recommended amount per day.

Additionally, ‘human papilloma virus (HPV)’ has recently been mentioned as a cause of head and neck cancer. Infection of the oral mucosa through oral sex can cause oropharyngeal cancer, a type of head and neck cancer. In addition, risk factors for this cancer include gastroesophageal reflux, esophageal disease, vitamin or iron deficiency, and physical stimulation of the head and neck.

Head and neck cancer, quality of life and cosmetic issues are important to resolve

The first method for head and neck cancer is surgical removal, and the second method is radiation therapy. Recently, minimally invasive (body incision) methods that reduce scarring and complications by accessing the mouth using a laser or endoscope to perform surgery are increasing. If surgery is not possible or there is metastasis, immunotherapy that activates immune cells is used.

Professor Lee Young-chan of the Department of Otolaryngology at Kangdong Kyung Hee University Hospital said, “In the treatment of head and neck cancer, it is very important not only to cure the disease, but also to resolve the patient’s quality of life and cosmetic issues following surgery.” He added, “In other words, the cancer must be treated while preserving the patient’s function as much as possible.” “It is a characteristic,” he explained.

Transoral laser surgery or endoscopic surgery is a method of inserting a microscope and endoscope deep into the neck to excise lesions with a laser or instrument. Compared to traditional open surgery or radiation therapy, it has the advantage of a shorter treatment period and lower medical costs. Robotic surgery is possible for cancer that occurs on the tonsils or the root of the tongue. Surgery can be performed with a better view than with the naked eye, shortening the time and reducing the incision range.

The first step in preventing head and neck cancer is to quit smoking and drinking. Another way is to refrain from oral sex and receive regular oral checkups. Vaccination once morest papillomavirus can also be a good way to prevent this cancer. Adults in their 40s to 50s or older who smoke and drink alcohol are advised to undergo a head and neck cancer screening at an otolaryngology clinic once a year.

※ 5 tips for preventing head and neck cancer

1. Smoking is the main cause of head and neck cancer, so be sure to quit smoking.

2. Avoid excessive drinking.

3. Practice safe sex to prevent human papillomavirus (HPV) infection.

4. If you enjoy smoking and drinking, check your mouth and throat regularly through regular checkups.

5. Keep your oral condition, including dentures, clean.

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