He was mistakenly declared dead and sent to the morgue: he finally died of hypothermia | International

A man was mistakenly declared dead in Brazil. The situation came to light after technicians, who would prepare him for his wake, opened the mortuary bag in which the body was found, realizing that the “deceased” was still alive: his eyes were open and he was breathing with difficulty. All this, after spending 5 hours in the morgue. Ultimately, he died of hypothermia.

A Brazilian man was mistakenly declared dead and sent to the morgue. He finally died of hypothermia after spending 5 hours in a cold room.

Is about José Ribeiro da Silva 62 years old, who died during the first days of December and whose story was reconstructed Profile.

It all goes back to the end of November. Ribeiro da Silva was admitted to the Goiano Central-North State Hospital (HCN), in the city of Uruaçu, due to tongue cancer. According to O Globo, on the 29th of that month, the doctor Lucas Campos certified his death due to an infection resulting from his illness.

As a consequence of the diagnosis, the man’s corpse was placed in a mortuary bag to later be transferred to a refrigerated chamber in order to avoid decomposition.

The subject’s own family went to the hospital and authorized the body to be transferred to Ribeiro da Silva’s hometown, Rialma, where it would be buried.

After traveling nearly 100 kilometers, the man reached his destination. There, specialists were waiting for him to prepare the body for the wake and subsequent burial. Nevertheless, After opening the bag they discovered that the “dead” was still alive. Indeed, his eyes were open and he was breathing heavily.

Given the situation, the team called the Mobile Emergency Service, which confirmed that Ribeiro da Silva was alive. However, they transferred him to the Rialma Hospital. However, his condition was serious and unstabilized. Three days later, on December 1, he died of hypothermia.

Wrongly declared dead

In view of what happened, the family of José Ribeiro da Silva decided to go to court to have those responsible arrested. “I am going to gather the documents and reports from the funeral home, from Samu, from all those who participated to initiate legal action. My brother did not need to go through this,” the victim’s sister, Aparecida Ribeiro da Silva, told Metropoles.

“What happened is incredible, my brother spent five hours in a plastic bag, cold. It was horrible, a situation like this is totally unacceptable, ”he lamented.

Originally, the case was registered as “attempted murder.” However, after the death of Ribeira da Silva, it was classified as a homicide.

The authorities are expected to meet with the doctor and the family next week to collect the testimonies and move forward with the investigation. For now, the hospital fired the professional who made the fatal mistake.

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