He was killed in front of his house in La Cabrera

|| Rodolfo Gamarra

* Armed men took the victim out of his home and shot him several times**

In what became known as an act of settling scores by criminal groups in the La Cabrera sector, in the state of Carabobo, a man was killed when armed subjects took him from his house and shot him several times, causing his immediate death.

Police sources reported that the incident occurred on the Maracay-Mariara national highway, in the La Cabrera sector, around 10:00 pm last Saturday.

Unknown individuals traveling in a white vehicle broke into the home of the now deceased, identified as Edison Flores Colmenares, took him out and executed him with cruelty, in the middle of a public street, according to the police version.

After committing the vile murder, the men fled the scene in an unknown direction. Officers from the Bolivarian National Police (PNB) arrived at the scene and confirmed the death of the subject, so they proceeded to cordon off the area and coordinate with the scientific police.

Three hours later, a CICPC commission, made up of 10 officers and two units, arrived at the scene and proceeded to remove the body early yesterday morning.

The officers transferred the body to the National Service of Medicine and Forensic Sciences (Senemecf) in Caña de Azúcar, Mario Briceño Iragorry municipality (MBI), for legal procedures.

#killed #front #house #Cabrera
2024-07-22 01:04:58



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