“He was a big brother”, Guy Drut pays tribute to his friend Michel Jazy who died at 87

Originally from Oignies (Pas-de-Calais), the long-distance runner Michel Jazy died on February 1, 2024. Multiple record holder in France, Europe and the world over distances ranging from 800 to 5,000 meters, he won the silver at the Rome Olympic Games in 1960. His great friend Guy Drut remembers.

Michel Jazy died this Thursday, February 1, 2024 at the age of 87. Holder of numerous national and international records over several long-distance distances, he became Olympic vice-champion in 1960. Olympic champion in the 110 meter hurdles in 1974, his friend Guy Drut paid tribute to him.

“It’s simple. Michel was a big brother. He had exceptional generosity and a passion for transmission”reacts the one who was born in the same town of Oignies in 1950, fourteen years after Michel Jazy.

I, who was a little whimsical and mule-headed, he brought me peace

Guy Drut

Olympic champion and friend of Michel Jazy

The two men struck up a friendship which began in 1967, at the end of Jazy’s sporting career. “There was a real connection, he was always with me. He was a confidant, a protector. I who was a little whimsical and mule-headed, he brought me peace, serenity but also the culture of wins it”remembers the Olympic champion.

Guy Drut remembers a gesture from his friend which he remembers perfectly 50 years later. “The day before my Olympic final in Montreal, Michel lent me his room so that I could sleep peacefully. And the next day, after my victory, he slipped among the journalists to entertain us. He also had a sense of joke. But when he had to be serious, he was.”

Born in 1936, Michel Jazy exploded in the eyes of the world in Rome, during the 1960 Olympic Games. Competing in the 1,500 meters, he won silver behind the Australian Herbert Elliott. Two years later, he won the European title over the same distance. The same year, the Pas-de-Calaisien broke his first world records, over 2,000 and 3,000 meters.

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After the 1964 Tokyo Games where he finished just off the podium, Michel Jazy continued to shake up the clocks. In 1965, he broke no less than four world records before being crowned European champion in the 5,000 meters and silver medalist in the 1,500.

He ended his sporting career in 1966 by improving the world record for 2,000 meters in 4 minutes, 56 seconds and 2 tenths. In total, Michel Jazy held nine world records. No French athlete has done better since.

For several years, Michel Jazy had lived in the Basque country and his health prevented him from traveling. Guy Drut would have liked to see his friend go to the Paris Olympic Games in the summer of 2024. “Having won the Games at home was a real victory for him”finishes his friend.

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