He undergoes 3 chemos, the removal of his bladder and his prostate due to a mistake at the hospital

For eleven years, he has been living a real nightmare. Wrongly Diagnosed cancer, the man, now 47, suffered harm not only physical but also sexual since he has since suffered from erectile disorders.

In June 2011, noting the presence of blood in his urine, the victim, then 36 years old, went to the hospital where the doctors decided to perform a uroscanner.

A serious misdiagnosis

The hospital center then announces to the patient that he has a bladder tumor. and also suffers from metastatic lesions.

After three sessions of chemotherapythe doctors decide to remove his bladder and prostate.

Very heavy interventions which will prove to be completely useless. In early 2012, the analysis of the samples taken from the patient called into question the initial diagnosis.

An anatomo-pathology service in Paris concluded that it was in fact a bladder pecoma of a rare form.

The doomed hospital center

Worse, the pathology from which he suffered was benign and did not require, according to the University Hospital of Nancy – where the man has since moved – in any way the treatments provided.

The victim, who was never able to resume a professional activity, claimed 815,336 euros in compensation for the damage suffered. The administrative court of Rennes condemned the hospital, on June 4, 2020, to pay him €183,213 as well as €60,398 to the Primary Health Insurance Fund. The Nantes Administrative Court of Appeal finally reassessed this compensation at 187,963 euros.

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