2023-11-30 10:16:26
Last weekend, the conflict between Horacio Cabak and Sofía “Jujuy” Jiménez was revived, which was born from their tense working relationship in Informed of everything (America) during the time they shared on the program in the summer of 2021. During the broadcast of the program it was noted that they did not get along well and then an audio of him speaking badly regarding her was leaked due to some of Jujuy’s attitudes on the air. , for which he called her a “little bitch.”
In PH. We can talk The driver brought up the topic once more, giving his version of the events and considering what was said regarding him “unfair.” In addition, he said that the problems in the program began when the team became angry because, in times of mandatory isolation, “Jujuy” was at a party with several people and did not notify them or isolate himself.
That Cabak brought up the subject on Andy Kusnetzoff’s show led to a series of statements from both of them on the matter.
After that, Mariana Brey in Show Partners analyzed the crossing and Cabak’s statements: “What was seen in that tape that came out live, which he talks regarding, then I don’t know what other things happened outside of live, in the cuts and so on, it’s called mansplaining”.
“What he did at that moment, I don’t know if he does it regularly, maybe it was just one time. What Horacio Cabak does with women is underestimate them. Maybe what happens is that it is sometimes confused with abuse or mistreatment, but it is a matter of underestimation. It’s having to explain to a woman how things are from a man’s point of view. As a superior view, not only because he is a man but also because he has power as a driver over a female co-driver,” Brey added.
And he considered: “I understand that he may not understand that or perceive himself this way. Maybe if he starts investigating he will understand what it is regarding. It is regarding underestimating the other because of her condition as a woman and wanting to explain to her how things are from her point of view. For him, his point of view is the only one that has validity.”
“That’s what he did in that tape that was seen. That’s what he is seen doing with Sofía. It’s good to name things so that they are not confused with abuse, harassment or anything else. She is called mansplaining and it has to do with this, with underestimating women,” the panelist from Partners.
#underestimates #women