He tried to rape a 14-year-old girl

He tried to rape a 14-year-old girl

The action of the sick man in Salamis is unthinkable, as a year ago he tried to rape a 14-year-old girl!

According to MEGA, the specific man who tried to rape a 20-year-old woman on the beach at noon last Tuesday but was stopped by a 39-year-old man, was free while his criminal record was heavy.

Salamina: The would-be rapist has a criminal record – He has been accused by other girls

A year ago, he molested a schoolgirl on a city bus and when the girl got off he tried to rape her. The 14-year-old managed to escape and reported what happened to his parents, with the latter reporting the incident to the police.

The man who saved the 20-year-old breaks out – “Those who accuse me are brainless, I did the right thing”

Achilleas Gigilas, the man who saved a 20-year-old woman from the hands of the sick man, responded in the clearest way to those who accuse them of beating the would-be rapist in Salamis.

Speaking to MEGA, Mr. Gigilas emphasized that “I am responding to the 2% who accuse me. They are brainless! I did the right thing and I would do it again. I acted like this in my confusion, but I don’t regret it. It’s garbage. And I took this video so all the other scumbags who do this can see it.”

“And if I see him tomorrow, I’ll bore him again,” he commented afterwards.

“The 20-year-old is afraid to leave her house, she cries and sees him constantly in front of her.” With these words, Achilleas Gigilas mentioned the life of the young woman he saved from the beach in Salamina.

“The law gives citizens the right to make a felony arrest”

“Self-judgment is not a good thing, it shouldn’t be. From then on it is a citizen’s arrest. The law in Greece gives Greek citizens the right to arrest for felonies. So that the world can hear it”, claimed Stavros Balaskas.

“The Greek legislation provides that when he sees in front of him a felony, the Greek citizen, if he can and without putting himself and others in danger, arrest the person who committed it”, repeated the unionist policeman.

“Sensitivity has a limit. We’re talking about attempted rape here. We cannot know how a diseased mind will develop. I heard this man has been hospitalized. Who knows where it might end up?’ asked lawyer Evita Varela.

“We don’t see an attack on the victim, we see the alleged perpetrator sitting on the beach. And her savior takes action to extract a confession,” he said.

The chronicle of the attempted rape in Salamis

The 20-year-old claims that she saw the perpetrator for the first time at a bus stop, a few meters from the beach. There the 35-year-old allegedly threatened to rape her and told her he was holding a knife.

The 20-year-old ran, contacted her 39-year-old boyfriend by phone, asking him for help and then jumped into the sea to save herself. The 35-year-old, however, followed her and entered the sea.

The 20-year-old started swimming towards her friend and as soon as the 35-year-old came out of the sea, the 39-year-old hit him and took a video, in which he got a confession.

He called the police: “What do you want, man, to fly?”

The 39-year-old claimed that he kept calling the police, who were slow to arrive at the scene, but they also mocked him.

“If I hadn’t intervened, the next day her parents would have found her either raped or drowned. It was lucky for this girl and her family that I was there and did what any father or brother would do,” he told the STAR.

From the beach, he kept calling the police to come and arrest the man who was threatening to rape the girl on the beach but, he complains, not only was the only available patrol car late, but he was ridiculed.

“The arrest was made after I called them 6-7 times. They took 1 hour and 10 minutes to come. In fact, a policeman said to me ironically “What do you want me to fly, my friend?”. They told me that there was no other patrol car, because it had gone to get fuel and it was a patrol car at the Salamina Police Department.”

“I would do the same thing again, I don’t know if it’s wrong that I took a video of him, I did it to wake up every person. Even if I wasn’t there and if there was a woman, she could pick up a stone, throw it at his head, shout at him. It’s not like I’m the guy who raised my hand. I would do it again if I saw an incident, no regrets. This girl would not live, either the coast guard or the police would find her.”

Source: newsbomb.gr

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Salamina: The would-be rapist has a criminal record – He has been accused by other girls

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