He took the passport from me and said it was his; I realized the danger in the car itself – Najeeb

He took the passport from me and said it was his;  I realized the danger in the car itself – Najeeb

2024-03-30 04:44:00

Movie Day

He took the passport from me and said it was his; I realized the danger in the car itself: Najib

Najib was unaware of the great danger that awaited him when he landed in the Gulf with high expectations.

Najib says that when he landed at the airport, there was no one waiting for him, and when he came out, they took an Arab passport from him and took him in a car saying that it was his. Najib says he drove through the desert for hours and then felt it was dangerous to wait. Najib was speaking in an interview given to Flowers Channel.

‘I decided to go to the Gulf thinking that I might somehow escape. It was through a relative that arrangements were made to go to the Gulf. None of this was his fault. I went via Bombay. No one was there to help. A neighbor of mine was on that flight. He had to go somewhere else. He informed my house that I had landed at Riyadh airport. And there was no information regarding me.

I went on a visa to work in a supermarket. When I landed at the airport, I didn’t see anyone. I had the number. But there was no occasion to call. An Arab called me from there. He is waiting by the car. He was seen when he came out following visa checking. He took my passport from me and told me that I was his man and put me in the car.

The car drove for several kilometers through the desert. It has run for at least two hours. This is what I look like while driving through the desert. No building in sight, no man in sight. Then it occurred to me that people have gone to herd sheep like this in the past.

And I don’t know the hour. There is only crying. It was night. It was a pickup truck. There is only this Arab in that carriage. He doesn’t say anything. The car is driving. I don’t know the language and I can’t ask anything, when I go there at night.

When I got there, I was terribly afraid and trembled. The whole body is shaking. Life seemed over. There is no escape. I don’t even know why he brought it. The passport is also in his hand. There is no one to look and search for.

I didn’t see that many goats that night. The next day, when he looked, he saw regarding 700 goats and regarding 20 camels there.

There is something like kubboos to eat that day. But I didn’t eat anything. It was crying. Screaming. I realized that my life was gone. Arbab is saying something from there. My age is 29 years. He is not my sponsor. He knows that. You put him in the car following looking at the passport.

When I went in, there was a man there, like a monstrous figure, with a distorted form. A man with a beard and hair. He didn’t even say a word that day. There are two beds outside. As soon as I went, Polly got into a bed and lay down. I am crying. I’m hungry. Something was taken away from what was taken away. Then fell asleep. When I looked in the morning, there was no one in that bed. No water, no food. Only sheep. Life is over for sure,’ says Najib.

Content Highlight: Real najeeb regarding his life and struggles on desert

#passport #realized #danger #car #Najeeb

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