He thought his hoarse voice and back pain were due to covid, but they are due to cancer

Jordan Turko

Cancer does not discriminate, not even young people. Be attentive to your health ”, is the call of Jordan Turko, a 30-year-old from Canada who began to have strange symptoms and when he went to the doctor they gave him the bad news that he had cancer.

This is his story.

At the beginning of 2022, his voice began to feel hoarse and he presented back pain, specifically in the lower back.but she didn’t pay much attention to the signs because she’s always been very healthy: she loves yoga and worked out six days a week.

According to him, it was most likely that he had contracted covid-19 and thought that it would go away in a few days, but it did not. After the persistence of both affectations, he decided to visit an outpatient clinic where several tests were done.

Lung cancer

According to his testimony, which he provided to the American media Today, In April, he received an unexpected diagnosis: stage four lung cancer. He had a four-inch tumor wrapped around his pulmonary artery, in addition to several tumors growing along his spine.

“Who would have guessed that? Even now, in retrospect, who would say: ‘Oh, your back hurts. You have lung cancer. Doctors think the tumor actually started in January, which is crazy. It grew to four inches in a couple of months and spread throughout the body, ”he said in the interview with the aforementioned medium.

Are these symptoms normal in cancer patients?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) -of the United States Government- the most common signs in patients with lung cancer are persistent or progressively worsening cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing up blood, feeling tired all the time, and unexplained weight loss.

Even so, the symptoms vary depending on the organism of each person and there may be other repercussions in the body as a result of the disease: for example, a hoarse voice.

“This is because the cancer affects or invades the recurrent laryngeal nerve, which actually descends into the chest cavity, under the arch of the aorta, and back into the larynx,” Dr. MeiLan Han, a pulmonologist at the System, told Today. of Health at the University of Michigan and author of the book Breathing Lessons: A Doctor’s Guide to Lung Health.

What is unusual is that this disease occurs in people under 65 years of age. Approximately, only 1.4% of lung cancers occur in this populationaccording to a study by the American Cancer Society.

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