“He stole a fish from a cat’s mouth.” Ismail Yassin’s granddaughter reveals aspects of his life

Sarah Yassin Ismail Yassin, the granddaughter of the late artist Ismail Yassin, revealed many aspects that were unknown in the life of her grandfather, who died 50 years ago, following he reigned for years on the throne of comedy in Egypt.

She said in an interview with “Al-Arabiya.net” that her grandfather was a lover of reading and educated and had a large library in his home, despite not completing his education and leaving school in the fourth grade of primary school due to difficult family and financial circumstances that befell him, noting that he compensated with reading and knowledge.

She indicated that her grandfather suffered at the beginning of his artistic and cinematic career and slept in the streets and mosques because there was no shelter for him, and he also tried to steal fish from the mouth of a cat because of his severe hunger and the lack of money with him to buy food.

The granddaughter of Ismail Yasin and her family

He didn’t die penniless

The granddaughter of the comedy icon indicated that her grandfather did not die penniless, as is rumored, but rather had property following paying taxes before his death and left them with a great inheritance, noting that despite the cessation of theater work, Ismail Yassin pays the artists’ wages from his own money.

She stated that her grandfather and her father were fanaticly encouraging the Zamalek club.

Her grandfather used to follow all the matches of his team with passion and anxiety, and took the train and sometimes the plane to follow the White Club matches in the governorates and outside Egypt.

She added that the late artist starred in films that dealt with the military, at the request of the late President Gamal Abdel Nasser, to encourage young people to join the army, and those films achieved great success and wide fame.

Sarah revealed that her grandfather was a lover of Egyptian food in general and liked eating molokhia in particular, noting that she did not live the period of her grandfather’s presence alive, but she heard regarding him from her family and relatives who told her many aspects of his life.

She said that her grandfather was a good man, as he appeared on the screen, but there were some differences between his real personality and his acting. In fact, he was very serious and loving solitude and was not very social. He was satisfied with regarding three friends from outside the artistic community who only meet with them .

Sarah explained that her grandfather was a traditional Egyptian father, who loved commitment and discipline, so that he would stay awake until all family members fell asleep and entered all rooms to turn off the high lights before he went to sleep.

Yassin explained that her grandfather was not honored by any official authority in his life, despite his artistic career, which lasted for more than 30 years of the history of Egyptian cinema, during which he presented more than 200 films and 66 plays.

She added that the late was not honored throughout his life or following his death except once, and that was by a decision of the Governor of Suez, and at that time the honor was received by her father, the late director Yassin Ismail Yassin.

Sarah expressed her happiness at honoring her grandfather’s name at the last Alexandria Film Festival for Mediterranean Countries, concluding her speech by saying that she is proud and lucky that she is the granddaughter of a comedy icon in Egypt.

It is noteworthy that Ismail Yassin was born on September 15, 1912, and his artistic career continued for many years, as he excelled in comedic roles and monologues and rose to the throne of comedy in Egypt until he died on May 24, 1972.



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