2023-06-02 17:20:02
News JVTech He orders a gaming processor on Amazon but receives this instead…
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Ordering on Amazon with fast delivery is fine, but receiving the wrong package is much less fun. That’s what happened to this poor gamer. Thinking of unpacking his new processor, the reality was quite different.
He ordered a humble processor to receive…
Building your own PC is a long process, and it can be a passion for many of you. Look for the best components according to its use, search the Internet to find the best offers, take delivery of everything and carefully assemble each element, to end up with its ultimate setup.
But among all the steps in the process, there is one that remains quite uncertain: transportation. Having no control over this part, it can be quite stressful, knowing that a processor, a motherboard or a graphics card can be quite fragile. But in addition to the risk of damage, it happens that we do not receive what we want.
ChanRob69 is a Reddit user who
his unfortunate experience as a gamer. Looking for which processor to buy for his next setup, he had opted for the AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D. It’s a gaming boosted processor that adds cache, an element that allows for better performance in some titles like racing simulators and most MMORPGs.
These processors tend to heat up, which is why our friend adds thermal paste to his cart to cool it down. The day of delivery arrived, he rushed to unpack his package. What he found inside did not bode well.
…tempered glass
When he opens the box, the thermal paste was there – the correct model – but the most important element had nothing to do with a processor: it is a tempered glass smartphone protection window. Probably shocked, surely disappointed, he decided to share this message with us on his Reddit post:
I was so looking forward to this day. I was finally going to make my very first upgrade of my life (not to mention adding RAM). I bought my PC pre-assembled, I want to build one in the future, but I decided to take a pre-assembled model to learn where each component fits through updates to my current setup.
On the first image, we can clearly see the summary of his order, with the thermal paste and the processor. The actual contents of the box make you smile, especially since it’s not the first time I’ve seen protective glass replace the contents of packages. As if a few smart guys at Amazon or resellers were having fun trying to make a profit with this kind of shenanigans.

Rest assured, everything ends well for ChanRob69. After reporting the problem to Amazon via messages and photos of what he received, a new processor (a real one this time) is on its way. All’s well That ends well.
#orders #gaming #processor #Amazon #receives