“He moralizes and then…” –

Edward Sirignano

Social media should bring together and connect people with different cultures and histories, giving them the opportunity to express themselves, discuss and build bonds. An intent, however, that clashes with the presence of haters, those keyboard warriors who are characterized by an aggressive, accusatory and sometimes harassing attitude towards those who think differently from them. Champions, in this sense, the usual companions, who do not go on vacation even in the hottest August ever in order to find the so-called hair in the egg.

She wants to get publicity. Elodie attacks Meloni, the storm breaks out

The latest victim of the progressive meat grinder is the usual general Roberto Vannacci, targeted this time for a video in which, commenting on the defacement of the mural dedicated to the volleyball player Egonu, he explained how those who “have the typical somatic features of Central Africa do not represent the vast majority of Italians”. Even though it is a fairly obvious and banal statement, like a cigarette butt in a barren meadow, it inflames the spirits of those who, lacking arguments, must cling to everything. Very heavy, therefore, the broadsides towards the newly elected MEP of the Carroccio. There are even those who accuse him of inciting hatred.

The general, however, is not the only one to be massacred by progressives. The same fate befell comedian Massimo Boldi, who ended up in the crosshairs for a simple post of congratulations to the prime minister, in which he highlighted how the country was changing for the better. A few words about the general trend are enough to make people forget the beloved comedian and make him become the target, which you don’t expect. “Do you need a job at Rai?”, one of the many commentators underlines, before unleashing a violent rain of insults. The same, after all, that Prime Minister Meloni had to deal with after publishing a photo in which she is seen playing with her daughter. This is why it is Giorgia of Palazzo Chigi who is defending Cipollino, tired of seeing anyone who speaks well of her government insulted: “It is sad to note – she writes in an Instagram post – how, in the world of professional haters, a simple comment of congratulations can unleash mass insults and gratuitous offenses.”

Feltri from the Pirelli calendar to Elodie: a parenthesis while waiting for the next veil

There are those, therefore, like Forza Italia MP Rita Dalla Chiesa, who speaks of “useless hatred”, recalling what Vannacci had said earlier. If the comrades do not let anything pass to the other side, they pretend nothing has happened when the one who makes the blunder is one of their own. This is the case, for example, of the journalist Massimo Giannini, who, as highlighted in a tweet by the leader of FI in the Senate Maurizio Gasparri, confuses the tricolor sash of Barcellona Ada Colau with that of Paris. A mistake that leads the blue to call the former director of “La Stampa” a “donkey”, “ignorant” and “presumptuous”.

#moralizes #then.. #Tempo
2024-08-17 20:37:29



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