He lives in Miami and warns about “the negative” of working in the United States: “I’m sorry to tell you”

Agos Tanquia is an Argentine who lives in Miami and has a large following on TikTok, where she receives hundreds of inquiries about the Florida lifestyle. Therefore, in the same social network explained that working in the United States can be as good or as bad according to the status of foreigner before the authorities. As she is also a migrant, she told from her experience what the process of getting a job in the North American country is like. In that sense, gave a harsh warning about the negative points to be aware of.

I regret to inform you that here the professions are worthless”, was the phrase with which he introduced @Augustanquia on TikTok an explanatory video about the employment situation in the city where he lives. She mentioned that one of the things she is asked the most after moving is how to get a job with the profession that a person studied in their country of originbut the answer he gave did not like many.

An Argentine warned what it is like to work in the US.

From his perspective, those who want to get to work have to keep in mind that they have to start from scratch. Agos considered that the attempt should be made to venture as a waiter, clothing store employee and any other opportunity that arises, since all jobs are well paid: “That’s the positive,” he stressed. And then you can plan to revalidate the career that one did before the educational institutions of the United States.

Some users of the social network they did not agree with the explanation given by Argentina and offered their own advice. A couple considered that this tip only applies to some professions and to people who arrive in the United States illegally, since in their experience they were able to validate their bachelor’s degree.

That is if you are not legal. I have a career and I work for it. And no, I didn’t start from anything”, “The video is aimed at those who don’t know, which means that it would come without fixed things (legal papers),” were some of the comments that people made to explain that their reality had been different.

To work in the United States you need an ideal visaUnsplash

To enter the North American country with the possibility of working, you always have to have a permit from the American authorities. There are many ways in which a foreigner can access a job (all the information on the page of the US government.) but the most common are the following:

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1. Skilled Worker Visas (H-1B)

They are highly qualified professionals in fields including engineering, technology, medicine, and higher education. It is divided into three categories that a migrant can apply for:

2. Visas for non-professional workers without an academic degree (H-2A/H-2B)

This category is divided into two:

3. Visas for persons with extraordinary ability (O-1)

A company or the same applicant, depending on their abilities, must argue that in the United States there is no other person capable of filling their position and that it is therefore necessary for him or her to have permission to work in said country. There are two categories:


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