He kissed the cup and annoyed Messi.. Chef Nusrat raises a storm in the World Cup, and the American Championship deters him

He likes to stir up controversy and draw attention wherever he goes and wherever he goes Turkish Chef Nusret Or as some call him the “chef of salt”, this time not in his restaurants by cutting meat and sprinkling salt in his own way, but on the grounds of Lusail Stadium in Qatar during the coronation of the Argentine national team in the World Cup, where he tried and even succeeded in taking pictures with the Argentine players in addition to touching the championship cup in A violation of FIFA’s laws regarding who can carry the cup, and even published his picture with the cup on his accounts on social networking sites, and a clip while performing his famous movements while preparing steaks.

And a video clip spread showing Chef Nusrat while he was on the grounds of the “Lucile” stadium with the Argentine players while they were celebrating the World Cup title, and trying to take pictures with some of the players. with him, which the Turkish chef posted on his Instagram page.

The video showed the Turkish chef’s insistence and insistence on holding Messi’s hand, with the aim of taking a picture with him, while the Argentine star ignored the chef more than once.

The clip, which garnered more than 2 million views on Twitter, also revealed that Nusrat puts his hand on Messi’s shoulder and pulls him back, so that Messi finally acquiesces to the insistence of the Turkish chef, as the latter was able to take a picture with the Argentine star.

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For his part, Angel Di Maria took a picture with the Turkish chef, and some Argentine players did the same, but some tweeters noticed a change in the face of the Argentine players.

Some questioned why the International Federation of Football Associations (FIFA) allowed the Turkish chef to go down to the field and take pictures with the players, in addition to touching the championship cup, which violates FIFA laws.

While many criticisms were directed at FIFA, the US Open issued a decision to prevent Chef Nusrat from attending the tournament final.

It is noteworthy that Nusrat Gökçe owns a chain of luxury restaurants in the United States and several other countries, and he became famous because of his method of preparing meat and seasoning it, and he attracted many celebrities of politics, sports and art to his restaurant to eat “steak”.

Chef Nasr holding the World Cup

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