«He is the pro-European face of Italy» –

«Italy is a country clearly oriented towards the centre-right. There is a Christian-democratic tradition. And the first years under the leadership of Antonio Tajani proved us right, I think we are on the right path. We win. Furthermore, for me, Tajani is the clear face of pro-European and Atlanticist Italy in the government of this country.” With these words Manfred Weber, president of the EPP, clarifies how much the European People’s Party, the leading political force in Europe, relies on the Italian deputy prime minister and secretary of Forza Italia. Especially in this phase in which Ursula von der Leyen has indicated the team of commissioners and Italy has Raffaele Fitto as its representative.

Employment, security, rule of law: the EPP imprint on the EU programme

«Not everyone in the Italian government has always been clear about this in the same way, but Antonio Tajani has. This is why today he is the person capable of defending Italian interests in Europe, also thanks to the support of the EPP, the largest political family in Europe”, adds Weber, interviewed by Agi in Naples, during the Study Days, the president of the EPP Manfred Weber. Roberta Metsola, president of the European Parliament, also intervenes on face the new geopolitical realities”.

#proEuropean #face #Italy #Tempo
2024-09-27 18:59:15



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