“He has the heart to love many people”

2023-10-23 17:18:27

Pampita was in PH, We Can Talkthe Telefe program and there he referred to the sayings of his ex-partner Benjamín Vicuña at the latest delivery of the Martin Fierro Awards.

When he received the statuette for best actor, the Chilean actor had declared: “Many thanks to this country (…) Who welcomed me, gave me a place, gave me my wonderful children, He gave me love… “He gave me so many things.” After this statement the speculations did not take long to arrive.

In that context, Pampita was consulted about that episode. “I That day I had told him: ‘Today you are going to win’, because I was sure it was going to be like that. When he won I was happy with life. And I don’t care that they are filming me! “, recalled the model.

«Yo I am so proud of Benjamin because I have known him since the beginning, because I accompanied him in his career for a long time, for many years, because He is the father of my children, I don’t have to put on a poker face Yes, I am happy,” Pampita added.

And he closed: “I I was crazy applauding, and then he had the furcio (…) I just had the camera because his other ex-partner was not at the event. And I don’t think she was referring to just one love because “He has the heart to love many people.”

Pampita and the memory of her father

Pampita He also spoke about the tragic death of his father. “I have parents who separated when I was very young. My father passed away when I was 6 years old. I still have a lot of memories,” he said.

“I am proud of them. I remember my dad, all dirty. He left at 5 in the morning to the harvest. She was on the tractor all day. I was going to visit him on the tractor. I saw him as a superhero“said Pampita, noticeably excited.

“My dad had a car accident. He died instantly. He was driving. He had gone to look for a wheelchair for someone from our town, Doblas. It was raining a lot and on the way back he had a fatal accident.”he recalled.

#heart #love #people

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