“He has me tired …”: Raquel Argandoña criticized Sergio Lagos’ animation in Starstruck

Very faithful to her style, Raquel Argandoña gave her opinion regarding the role of Tonka Tomicic as a jury and the leadership of Sergio Lagos in the new Channel 13 program, Starstruck.

The panelist from Star Zone analyzed the work of the former Welcome and slipped that she is “tired” of Lagos.

“I liked the scenery and I loved Tonka’s performance, because there were many criticisms on social networks that she did not understand,” Raquel began by explaining.

Along the same lines, he justified the participation of the former cheerleader by explaining that there are many jurors who are not experts. “As I in Dancing for a Dreamthat without being a dancer, I gave my opinion according to what the viewer sees at home, “he said.

“The role of Tonka was perfect, and I think Channel 13 was wrong not to have put her as an entertainer. You know something happens to me with Sergio Lagos, and it’s that she makes me tired. Just finished two seasons of Here you dance and now leading this program once more, it’s like much,” criticized Argandoña without a filter.

Finally, Raquel pointed out that “Tonka is used to animating, and here she has a leading role as a jury, that is, what she criticizes people will listen to and comment on, while as a presenter she ‘trays’”.

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