He had a perimeter for being violent, he did not leave his girlfriend’s house and ended up murdering her

2023-08-08 13:08:51

A 23-year-old girl of Peruvian nationality was strangled at her home in the Buenos Aires city of Tandil and after the femicide his concubinewho had been denounced by her for gender violence, turned himself in to the police and confessed to the murder, police and judicial sources reported.

The victim was identified by investigators as Brunella Yemi Curie Centeno (23), who had had a panic button since July 14, despite which, he had returned to live with the now accused Nahuel Maximiliano Shunk (27).

Judicial sources indicated that, in addition, a perimeter restriction weighed on the young man, although in recent days she had appeared at the Victim Assistance Center and stated that she did not want to continue with the case, apparently due to “threats”, and that both were living together again.

How the femicide was discovered in Tandil

According to the spokespersons, Brunella’s femicide was discovered on Sunday morning, around 9, after Shunk appeared at the 2nd section of Tandil and confessed that he had suffocated his partner during an argument.

Given these statements, the troops went to the house where they both lived alone, on Pellegrini Street at 1700 of the aforementioned city located about 350 kilometers from the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (Caba), where they found Brunella lying on the bed , dying.

According to sources, the young woman was immediately transferred to the local hospital where doctors confirmed her death.

what the neighbors said

While the investigations met with neighbors and other witnesses who claimed to have heard a strong couple’s discussion at the time of the event.

According to the forensic experts who performed the autopsy on the victim’s body, she died from mechanical asphyxiation, the spokespersons detailed.

The femicide was detained in Tandil

Meanwhile, Shunk was detained at the disposal of the prosecutor José Marcos Eguzquiza, in charge of the Functional Instruction Unit (UFI) 21 of Tandil, who this morning investigated him for the crime of “aggravated homicide for having been committed by a man against a woman mediating gender violence (femicide)”.

However, the defendant refused to testify and will continue to be detained at the order of the judge of Guarantees 2, Stella Maris Aracil.

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Pain in Tandil for femicide

For her part, the victim had been a student at the Isaías Orbe Conservatory of Music in Tandil, which issued a statement on social networks in which she stated that she “accompanies Brunella’s family at this painful moment” and “strongly repudiated her femicide asking for justice” for the young woman.

The councilor of the Frente de Todos (FdT) Tandil, Daiana Esnaloa, who published a poster on her Facebook with the legend “Justice for Brunella” and the motto “not one less, we love each other alive” also expressed herself through networks.

“With all the anger with which we organize ourselves every day to build a world without sexist violence, we shout and demand Ni Una Menos. Justice for Brunella and for all the victims of femicide”, indicated the councilor and added: “We continue to demand answers from the State, and effective protection measures. Fed up with the statistics that show the increase in cases of violence, and knowing that every day we lack another partner, who dies at the hands of a femicide.”

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