He got a reprieve for the racist attack in Tetei 2024-02-16 20:28:30

Specifically, the president of the Thessalian PAE requested a postponement because his lawyer, who is from the Larissa Bar Association, was absent from the proceedings.

With a post on social media, the President of PAE NPS Volos states that he has never been a racist in his life.

“The word “monkey” is not included in the racist comments”, replies the mayor of Volos, Achilleas Beos, against whom the football prosecutor, Konstantinos Spyropoulos, brought criminal proceedings for the vulgar attack on Andreas Tetei of Kifissia.

In fact, as Mr. Beos notes in his post, “I have never been racist or homophobic in my life.”

Achilleas Beos: A heavy “bell” is expected

In the recent match between the two teams in the Super League, it can be seen in a related video uploaded by the Northern Suburbs team, that the strong man of the Thessalian team calls the Lamia player a “monkey”.

Now the Volos team faces a risk, based on the regulations, even losing the match with Kifissia (0-0) on paper, while the “bell” that will be imposed on the president and mayor of Volos, Achillea Beo, will be heavy. .

Achilleas Beos: The post in detail

“To all those who not only preserve but also distort reality and caused a “monkey” persecution, I have the following to say: I have never been a racist and homophobe in my life. Exactly the opposite. And this is not words but it is proven in practice since I have coexisted and cooperated, socially and professionally, harmoniously with people of various nationalities, of every color, with different culture, customs and personal choices.

Regarding the incident at the stadium of Kaisariani, during the match between Volos and Kifissia, it is more than obvious, it is clear, that there is absolutely no racist attack from my side. As I am addressing a third person, the referee, it is clear that there is not even a racist overtone.

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In any case, all these neo-con actors and their instigators, who tried to exploit this incident for their own reasons, need to learn that the word “monkey” is not included in racist comments.

Finally, regarding Tetei, who I respect as a person, I should tell him that with such behaviors he is simply undermining his own credibility. The incident clearly cannot be related to any racial issue, but unfortunately both the footballer and his team tried to “sell” it as such to the public. And that is a shame. Let them realize that with such falsification and distortion of the truth they only serve the struggle for an equal society without discrimination and exclusion. The opposite. They cancel him.

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#reprieve #racist #attack #Tetei

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