He goes for the deletion of Spirtzis, detains Polakis, while he continues his vacation 2024-08-07 18:21:51

This is the new doctrine that it seems that Stefanos Kasselakis now wants to impose through the Ethics Committee of SYRIZA, which yesterday wanted to give an extension until August 25 to Christos Spirtzis, in order to appear for an apology… Obviously, however, this is a first preparatory movement in view of the Congress by the Kasselakis group against the movements of the “87” group of the internal party opposition, the so-called “Tsipras block”.

A show of fists, party imposition and supremacy, which shows that Stefanos Kasselakis and his team do not care even if they expose each other with their actions. As it is politically oxymoron to delete him Christos Spirtzis by SYRIZA for a personal agenda and “substitutive and anti-party behavior” while at the same time as the president of the party and as the Ethics Committee of SYRIZA to continue to swallow the camel called Pavlos Polakiswho unrepentantly continues to accuse and tarnish her morally and politically Athena Linou.

Of course, there is a noticeable difference between the two former ministers and leaders. Pavlos Polakis is one of Stefanos Kasselakis’ political vanguards and supporters, he knows a lot… and has been offered to Stefanos as the right “knife and shield” for the external and internal purges he wants to do. On the contrary, Christos Spirtzis belonged to the group of “orphans” of the “short-circuited” internal party opposition, while after the failure of his re-election as a member of parliament – something that automatically makes him a weak link – he did not “take care” to cut the acquired speed he had developed as a powerful Minister of Infrastructure and Transport for many years and then a parliamentary representative of his SYRIZA Alexis Tsipras.

Yesterday, Christos Spirtzis, as he had previously announced, did not attend the meeting of the Ethics Committee stating that “at this time I am not available… just as our president is not here either…”! In parallel with a series of interviews he gave, he defended his positions that “my deletion will be a great honor” as well as that “in the democratic progressive parties so far there is no deletion because some executive expressed his opinion”. “I, you see, grew up in parties of the progressive world where we were never afraid to register our views.”

The study of convening the meeting of the Ethics Committee of SYRIZA and taking a decision in the midst of summer and holidays regarding the letter of the 70 executives who, from July 11, requested the removal of Mr. Spirtzis from the party is clearly not detached from time either nor from the latest events plaguing SYRIZA. As the crucial October conference is not so far away, especially when the movements and clashes that are developing in the meantime in the other intra-party bloc does not leave much scope.

It is also typical of what well-informed sources of Koumoundourou said that the public statements made by the former minister regarding the Spetses swimming pool may clearly not have pleased Mr. Kasselakis at all, but they were simply another icing on the cake and not the main one. cause of the acceleration of the procedures for his exit.


The deletion of Spirtzis had been decided and initiated much earlier, but now is the opportunity to present it as a reflexive strong measure of defense by the Kasselakis team against the coordinated movements of the “87” team, the so-called “Tsipras block” in view of the crucial Conference.


The cases of Spirtzis and Linos show the relations between the clans on the front of the internal party opposition. As “PASOKogenis, Christos Spirtzis, was left without any support before the critical meeting of the Disciplinary Committee, in contrast to the coordinated reaction that the “block” produced for Athina Linou.

#deletion #Spirtzis #detains #Polakis #continues #vacation



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