“He doesn’t even know” –

Christian Campigli

The more you broaden it, the more it leaks from all sides. The very broad field, the (surreal) project of the center-left to defeat the moderates has not even been born that already shows its obvious and obvious limits. “We know what Renzi is doing today, what he will do tomorrow morning we do not know and neither does he. It cannot be based on a trust that does not exist, a relationship that must be serious in function of an electoral and programmatic alliance. Renzi brings down governments, he does not create them”. These are explosive words, but they leave very little room for imagination, those expressed by the group leader in the Senate of the Five Star Movement, Stefano Patuanelli, on the sidelines of the Rimini Meeting. “It seems quite evident to me that the history of the M5s – he added – is in the progressive camp, of the center-left”.

If Grillo throws tantrums, Di Battista is the post-Conte one: what does Paragone know?

It is not the first time that the left has clashed with the native of Rignano since, about a month ago, Renzi announced his intention to return to the center-left fold. Aware that there is no more room for the center, as the disastrous results in the last European elections have highlighted. A few days ago, it was Angelo Bonelli, leader of AVS, who took aim at the centrist component. “The broad field is not built with a sum of names. Voters are not stupid. The votes, as they came, go away. I mean to refer to the growth that there was in the European elections of the Democratic Party and, above all, ours. Ours of Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra. Bonelli and Fratoianni, as the general public now knows us. I would start from here, from credibility and coherence. And on these values ​​that Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra has put and wants to continue to put together its heritage of votes. These are values ​​that cannot be put on the margins of the broad field. So we need to sit down at a table and start from the programs. Italia Viva and Azione – added Bonelli – in the European Parliament voted against the directive of the law on Nature. But if that’s the case, there is also a strictly political question: Calenda and Renzi support right-wing governments in Basilicata and also in Genoa. They must decide what they want to do”. A mixed fry, the very broad field, simply impossible to digest.

#doesnt #Tempo
2024-08-25 18:04:06



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