“He didn’t drown, they killed him”: they ask to investigate the death of a child in Bolívar | THE UNIVERSAL

José Antonio Campo Carpio filled two years with joy, tenderness, mischief and magical moments that are now painful memories for his parents and other relatives in the municipality of Morales, south of Bolívar.

The child was found dead in an arm of the Magdalena River, which passes through the municipality of Regidor, at noon last Tuesday, following being reported missing the morning of the previous day -December 5-.

Read here: A 2-year-old boy who disappeared in the south of Bolívar is found dead

Since the body was found in the water, it was presumed that it fell by accident into the tributary that runs a few blocks from his house and that the current dragged him to the place where they found him; however, the examinations carried out by forensic doctors would turn the story upside down.

According to media from that area of ​​the department, in the medical report there are details that cast doubt on death by immersion. “He has two fractures in the septum, one in the thorax and they did not find water in his lungs or his abdomen was inflamed due to the accumulation of gases or liquids.

“The corpse was found soft, without bites or stings from animals in the habitat such as fish or birds and the skin did not have any damage typical of exposure to water for more than 15 hours,” the press said, hinting that the minor was a few hours old. dead.

parent pain

John Jairo Campo Payares, father of the minor and pastor of a Christian church in the municipality, asks the authorities to investigate what happened to the minor. The man believes that he was kidnapped, murdered and then they tried to make his body disappear by throwing it into the river.

On Thursday, in the middle of the burial, the father took a microphone, prayed for the youngest of his two children and demanded to capture the person responsible. Leonelis Carpio Morales, José’s mother, said that on Monday, December 5, she sent the little boy, along with his older brother, to run an errand, but the brother arrived alone.

It should be remembered that one of the hypotheses that was known regarding the disappearance is that the minor was kidnapped by a man who was driving a motorcycle. That information was given by another minor who was with him.

The authorities invite whoever has information regarding that subject, communicate it. They also hope to clarify the time and cause of José’s death.



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