“He did not understand that he was there”: a “disoriented” sexagenarian enters a shopping center … by car

the essential
A 64-year-old man, visibly disoriented, mistakenly entered the Chambourcy shopping center (Yvelines) at the wheel of his Opel Corsa this Friday, January 6. Luckily, no one was injured.

A sensational entry. A 64-year-old man rushed into a Carrefour shopping center in Chambourcy (Yvelines), driving his car, this Friday, January 6, reports The Parisian. Despite the obvious fear caused to the customers, none of them were injured.

It was around 2 p.m. that the sixty-year-old entered the hall of the shopping mall, slaloming his Opel Corsa between the safety studs. “It seems that he does not have all his faculties and that he did not understand that he was there”, explains a police source to our colleagues.

“People moved aside to leave him, and he thanked them”

The man seemed to be looking for a cart to do his shopping. “He looked confused, he said he had a problem with caddiethat he couldn’t get in with,” confirms a store employee.

Circulating at low speed, the sexagenarian was also not disturbed by customers on his way. “People moved aside to leave him, and he thanked them. He did not force the passage”, testifies the same police source.

After having traveled a hundred meters, he was finally stopped by the security agents, one of them managing to switch off the ignition of his car. He was taken into custody for endangering others and damaging property.

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