He described it as “the largest.” Jordan sends 105 food trucks to Gaza

Amman – Yesterday, Sunday, Jordan sent 105 trucks of food supplies to Gaza, describing the convoy that will enter the Strip through the Kerem Shalom crossing as “the largest” since the start of the Israeli war on October 7, 2023.

This came according to a statement by the Hashemite Charitable Organization (official), a copy of which Anadolu received.

The statement stated, “Today, Sunday, Jordan sent, in coordination and cooperation between the armed forces and the Jordanian Hashemite Charitable Organization, a new aid convoy for our people in Gaza, to be distributed through the relevant authorities in the Strip.”

She pointed out that “this convoy is the largest in size since the start of the war on the Gaza Strip, consisting of 105 trucks.”

She added that the convoy “includes basic food supplies, including rice and flour, which have been prepared and begun to be sent to our brothers in the Gaza Strip, arriving before Eid al-Fitr.”

She continued, “This convoy will be followed by a number of similar convoys as part of a plan to increase the number of land convoys heading to Gaza.”

She explained, “The goal is to double the aid sent through the sustainable relief land bridge to deliver aid and bring it in through the Kerem Shalom crossing to the largest possible number of our people in Gaza.”

Land convoys are sent from Jordan via the King Hussein Bridge, which is one of the border crossings linking the Kingdom to the West Bank.

Jordan is connected to Israel by three crossings: Sheikh Hussein (Jordan River from the Israeli side), King Hussein Bridge (the Prophet from the Israeli side), and Wadi Araba (Yitzhak Rabin from the Israeli side).

The authority pointed out in its statement that the Jordanian army, since the beginning of the Israeli “aggression” on the Gaza Strip, had sent 460 trucks, carried out 72 Jordanian airdrops, 153 joint airdrops, and 48 relief aid planes sent through Al-Arish International Airport in Egypt.

On Thursday, the Israeli government’s mini-cabinet agreed to allow Jordanian aid trucks to pass through its territory and then directly to the Gaza Strip.

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The Kan channel, affiliated with the official broadcasting authority, said on Friday that the small council had approved, during its meeting yesterday (Thursday), an important step, including allowing aid trucks brought by the Jordanian army into the Gaza Strip to pass through Israel.

The official Broadcasting Corporation reported that the mini-ministerial council agreed, on Thursday, to increase humanitarian aid to Gaza, at the request of US President Joe Biden.

Israel, in violation of international laws, restricts the access of humanitarian aid to Gaza, especially by land, causing a scarcity of food, medicine and fuel supplies and creating a famine that has claimed the lives of children and the elderly in the Strip, which it has besieged for 17 years, and which is inhabited by about 2.3 million Palestinians in catastrophic conditions.

Israel faces Palestinian and international accusations of using “starvation” as a weapon in Gaza, which amounts to a “war crime,” and the United Nations calls on it to open land crossings to flood the Strip with humanitarian aid before famine consumes more of its population.

The war on Gaza left tens of thousands of civilian casualties, most of them children and women, and massive destruction, according to Palestinian and UN data. This subjected Israel, in a first since 1948, to trial before the International Court of Justice. On charges of committing “genocide.”


#largest #Jordan #sends #food #trucks #Gaza
2024-04-08 20:33:34

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