He couldn’t beat Pilar – La Plata Gymnastics and Fencing Club

Upon returning to the Víctor Nethol Sports Center, the Wolf might not smile once more. He fell 88 to 72 once morest Atlético Pilar in a new round of the Southern Conference of the Argentine Basketball League. Helman with 15 points was the Lobo’s top scorer. Treise is the visiting scorer with 15 goals.

A couple of bombs by Adriani and Helman in the first minutes of the game put Lobo ahead on the scoreboard, 8-5 and 16-9. Bruera and Moreno joined them to stretch the lead to 12, 21 to 9. But the visit adjusted the defense, made Gimnasia uncomfortable and with a notable improvement in offense they came. With Treise as the banner, Pilar’s team evened the game and a triple from the point guard ended up leaving them ahead at the end of the first quarter, 23-24.

At the start of the second quarter the visitor remained in front in the first minutes. El Lobo tried to take control of the game once more but Pilar’s team knew how to continue ahead and prevail. Scoring at key moments, Tripero broke the momentum at just the right moments. Helman narrowed it to 2 in the final minutes, 39-41. Treise and Bravo responded to drive away the Pilarenses. A double from Lancieri and a triple from Moreno equalized the shares at 46, a result with which they went to halftime.

After the long break, Atletico Pilar started better and took control of the game once more. Halfway through the third they were 11 points ahead, 54 to 65. Gimnasia little by little got closer and Warnock put it within 4, 61-65. Finally the third quarter closed with the visit ahead by 5, 62-67.

The start of the last quarter was all Atlético Pilar. Forceful on offense and with a couple of bombs from 6.75 from Treise and Conti took the lead to 16 points, 64-80. The visit practically brought down the blinds on the game with that partial. El Lobo tried to react but the Pilarenses didn’t give him a chance. Tripero team stumbles at home, 88 to 72.

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