He confesses on television that he murdered his mother: “Yes, I killed her. I couldn’t stand her any longer”

The city of Modena woke up shocked this past weekend when police discovered the body of a murdered woman in her home. A search and arrest warrant was immediately issued for the victim’s son, Lorenzo Carbonesuspected of the violent death of Loretta Levrini. After 24 hours missing, Carbone returned home and collapsed in front of an Italian television camera. Afternoon Five: ““Yes, I killed her.”

Since last Sunday night Lorenzo was being sought by the authorities to ask him about the death of his mother. On Monday he returned to his home after 24 hours on the run and at the door of his house in Break of Fiorano Modenese he was met by a television crew. When asked about the incident, Carbone burst into tears as he confessed to the crime live on television. After hearing his testimony on live television, the journalist, Fabio Giuffridacalled the authorities who arrested Lorenzo and They took him to the police station.

The fugitive, who confessed that he had disappeared because “I wanted to get away”had argued with her mother before killing her, according to her own confession. The body was found by Loretta’s daughter at five in the afternoon. The woman was found in her bed, strangled with a cord around her neck. Her screams attracted neighbors who immediately called the police. From the beginning, suspicion fell on Carbone because he was not at the scene and could not be located. According to the neighbors, the family She was well known but extremely reserved, with an elderly mother with certain pathologies, and a son who had not had a stable job for some time. On Saturday, according to the authorities, Lorenzo went to get some pizzas to share with his mother and subsequently committed the murder. The manager of the pizzeria was the last to see the 50-year-old man moments before the murder.I saw Lorenzo on Saturday night. He seemed to be quite calm. We even joked about the bad weather these days. I would never have thought of such a thing being done by him.” he confessed.

During the live interview, Carbone confessed to the crime in great details: “Yes, I killed her. I couldn’t stand her anymore. We had some arguments recently and that made me angry.” According to his account of the events, “lI suffocated him, first with a pillow, then just with the pillowcase and finally I used some ropes.” Visibly collapsed, Lorenzo confirmed that it was “an instinct. I’m so sorry. I don’t know why I did it.”



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