He beat up his partner until he had a stroke

The subject evicted his two minor daughters from his house, he also beat one of them until the young woman passed out.

A commission from the Scientific, Penal and Criminal Investigations Corps (Cicpc), attached to the Valencia Municipal Delegation, arrested JL Rojas Sequera, 46 years old, in the Los Chorritos sector, Tocuyito parish, Carabobo state, for beating your partner and cause a stroke.

The 39-year-old victim was beaten very hard by her partner, following having an argument due to coexistence problems and as a result of the blows, the injury caused her.

The subject tried to evict his 13 and 16-year-old daughters from the house, hitting one of them with intensity, causing her to pass out.

Rojas was placed under the order of the 31st Prosecutor’s Office of the Public Ministry of Carabobo state.

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