He asked for a ransom of 50 thousand pesos, this is how they discovered it

He asked for a ransom of 50 thousand pesos, this is how they discovered it


Puebla de Zaragoza, Puebla.- Investigators with the Puebla State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) uncovered a fraudulent scheme devised by a baker who deceptively claimed his own abduction due to crippling debt.

Armando N., a 50-year-old man, concocted a narrative of being seized by a criminal group, demanding a 50,000-peso ransom to ease his 70,000-peso financial difficulty.

The alleged kidnapping occurred on September 2, 2024, when Armando left his home to collect supplies for his bakery.

However, hours later, his family received a panicked call claiming his abduction.

The supposed abductors demanded 50,000 pesos for his release, deeply distressing his daughters, who immediately reported the supposed incident to the FGE.

Baker Fabricates Kidnapping to Address Debt: 50,000-Peso Ransom Demand Unveils Deception

The Puebla FGE publicly announced the immediate commencement of a comprehensive search operation.

Through thorough investigation, both on-site and via records, officials located the baker in Cholula, safe and apparently unharmed.

However, the apparent case of illegal confinement took a surprising turn. During questioning, Armando’s version of the alleged kidnapping revealed inconsistencies.

After extensive questioning, he confessed to inventing the kidnapping to manage his substantial debt, accumulated from various outstanding loans.

Despite Armando’s uneventful apprehension, his deceitful actions resulted in a significant deployment of FGE resources and caused considerable distress within his family.

Authorities have yet to declare potential penalties for the baker’s premeditated false report.


#asked ​#ransom #thousand #pesos #discovered

A Baker’s Bogus Abduction: Doughy Deception in Puebla

Puebla, Mexico – A Puebla baker, Armando ⁣N. (50), concocted a hilariously inept fake kidnapping plot, a scheme more akin to a comical mishap than a cunning crime.

Facing a substantial 70,000-peso debt, Armando conceived a plan to alleviate his financial burden. Instead of seeking conventional solutions, like securing a loan or finding alternative employment, he opted for self-abduction. His strategy? Vanish, prompting a ransom demand from his distressed daughters, and subsequently reap a 50,000-peso windfall.

However, his scheme proved as brittle as stale bread.

The purported abduction occurred on September 2nd, after Armando left his home to acquire bakery supplies. Ironically, he was supposedly seized while obtaining materials for the very business he was attempting to save through this questionable endeavor.

Following his fabricated abduction, a ransom demand, calling for the aforementioned 50,000 pesos, was made to his daughters. Naturally distressed, the daughters immediately contacted the Puebla State Attorney General’s Office‌ (FGE). This prompted an investigation, quickly dismantling Armando’s poorly constructed charade.

The FGE investigators swiftly saw through Armando’s amateurish performance. The “kidnapping” details were vague, the evidence scant, and the entire scenario reeked of desperation and poorly executed planning.

Armando’s meticulously planned (or rather, unplanned) endeavor went from a promising concept to a complete failure. He now faces criminal charges, exceeding the original debt he sought to evade. The incident underscores desperation, terrible judgment, and a stunning lack of understanding of investigative procedures.

This incident provides multiple perspectives. It highlights the crushing weight of debt and the extreme measures some take to escape it. It also demonstrates the risks of impulsive, poorly planned criminal schemes. And it injects much-needed levity into often somber news. Perhaps Armando should consider a career change – maybe comedy? Or, if truly remorseful, a profession less deceptive and less reliant on baking.

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A Baker’s Dozen Lies: Puebla’s Failed Kidnapping Caper

A Puebla baker’s attempt to solve his 70,000-peso debt problem has gone viral, not for its ingenuity, but for its spectacular failure. Armando N., a 50-year-old, staged his own kidnapping, hoping a 50,000-peso ransom would bail him out. The plan, however, was about as effective as using day-old bread for a sourdough starter.

The charade began on September 2nd, when Armando conveniently “disappeared” while collecting supplies for his bakery. His family received a panicked call, allegedly from his abductors, demanding the ransom. Distraught, they immediately reported the “kidnapping” to the Puebla State Attorney General’s Office (FGE).

The FGE launched a full-scale investigation, deploying resources that would make a real kidnapping case blush. Yet, Armando’s elaborate ruse crumbled faster than a poorly-baked croissant. Investigators quickly located him in Cholula, unharmed and surprisingly relaxed.

During questioning, Armando confessed to the entire fabrication, his story riddled with inconsistencies that would make even a novice detective raise an eyebrow. The man who orchestrated what was likely meant to be an elaborate escape from debt instead got himself an unwelcome visit from the law.

This incident highlights not only the baker’s desperate financial situation but also a shocking lack of foresight. Instead of facing the music and seeking help, Armando chose a path that resulted in a significant waste of public resources, caused immense emotional distress to his daughters, and ultimately, landed him in a tighter spot than before. The ensuing investigation, while successfully uncovering the truth, underscores the gravity of filing false reports, even when driven by desperation.

The potential penalties for Armando’s actions remain unclear, but the public response has been a mixture of disbelief, amusement, and concern. While his actions were undeniably foolish, the story serves as a cautionary tale – sometimes, honesty, even in the face of overwhelming debt, is the best policy. Let this serve as a reminder that even the most creatively conceived schemes can crumble under the scrutiny of a thorough investigation and the weight of their own inherent absurdity. Armando’s foray into the world of false kidnappings wasn’t just badly baked; it was a complete culinary disaster.



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