Hazes family member lashes out at Rachel: ‘Deepest’ – Show News

The whole of the Netherlands is in the middle of the drama that is happening in the Hazes family. It was announced last week Rachel has summoned her son no longer use the name André Hazes commercially. Several people have since spoken out about this issue. Now a Hazes family member is also speaking out about the situation…

Stanley Hazes, a cousin of André Hazes Sr., responded to this news at Party. “I knew she was no good, but this is going a bit far, isn’t it,” he begins. “At first I thought it was fake news, you know, because you don’t do that as a mother, do you? It’s deeply sad that she does this. And also to her son. It’s inhuman.”

Stanley reveals that Rachel has tried to do this to him in the past. The singer thinks this is because of her fixation on money. “She wants to count herself rich in everything that has to do with Hazes,” says Stanley. “In my opinion, that woman is not wise, she is not good. I think she is media-hungry and money-hungry.”


Yvonne Coldeweijer previously claimed that André is not the real son of André Sr. Stanley does not believe this: “André has the same turn-up nose as his father, he is just a Hazes”. Stanley has heard these rumors before, but he states that André is really just his second cousin.

Stanley is also busy with his singing career, see video below.


Stanley Hazes is also a singer just like his cousin

Artist name

In april (see video below) André already joked that he would no longer be allowed to use his own name as a stage name if his mother “wished to do harm”. This is because Rachel manages the Hazes brand name. The singer said this jokingly in the Belgian talk show De Tafel van Gert, by Gert Verhulst. He didn’t expect this to actually happen.


Rachel Hazes can ban the stage name André

The Hazes Family Drama: A Dutch Real-Life Soap Opera

Ah, the Netherlands! Tulips, windmills, and now, the melodrama of the Hazes family turning the whole country into a reality TV show! You could say it’s like a ‘Big Brother’ episode but with more wind and less sense! Last week, in a twist that not even the most cynical soap opera writer could dream up, Rachel Hazes stepped onto the stage and declared that her son, André Hazes, is forbidden from using the family name for commercial purposes. Oh, I can hear the gasps from here!

Now, several family members have been chiming in like a karaoke night gone wrong. Enter Stanley Hazes, a cousin who has taken it upon himself to spill the family tea. He boldly declares, “I knew she was no good, but this is going a bit far, isn’t it?” My dear Stanley, that’s like saying a hurricane is a bit breezy! It’s not just going far; it’s spiraling faster than a Dutch cheese wheel down a hill!

Stanley thinks Rachel’s actions stem from her obsession with money. I mean, who doesn’t love a good cash grab? But this? Trying to erase your own son’s name from the commercial map? Well, that’s a new level of parental ambition! He says, “She wants to count herself rich in everything that has to do with Hazes.” That’s one way to put it—maybe Rachel is just an ambitious entrepreneur at heart! Or perhaps she’s taking “family business” a bit too literally. You know what they say, keep your friends close and your sons’ commercial rights closer!

And then there’s the delightful rumor mill—enter Yvonne Coldeweijer, who claims that André might not even be André Sr.’s biological son. Oh, the drama! Stanley, in a moment of family loyalty, shuts down those claims faster than a toddler at a vegetable stand, stating, “André has the same turn-up nose as his father, he is just a Hazes.” Who knew that genetics could double as a defense for familial ties? Next, he’ll tell us that because they both like pancakes, the breadwinning lineage remains intact!

But wait, there’s more! André himself made a cheeky remark in April, predicting that if Rachel wished to do him harm, he might have to toss out his own stage name. Oh, how we laughed…except it seems this time, life’s imitating jest, and Rachel is taking her turn with the ban hammer like it’s a hot new video game. The irony! Who said Dutch humor was just about the weather?

As we sit back and watch this family saga unfold, one can’t help but wonder: is this reality TV gold or just a tragic tale of a hold family that needs to find a good therapist? Either way, grab your popcorn because this family drama is about to hit its peak season!

In conclusion, whether it’s about names or money, the Hazes family has managed to make the mundane seem scandalous—with a slice of hilarity tossed in. One thing’s for sure; while tulips might bloom in spring, family drama is ever-blooming, and the Hazes family is just getting started!

Written with sass, love, and a sprinkle of dramatic flair!



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