More than two years following the outbreak of the virus corona Despite the many deaths, there are a large number who have fully recovered from the virus and managed to overcome the health crisis, and according to the Deutsche Welle website, there are factors that provide you with the scientific explanation behind the recovery from the Corona virus, which are:
Living in a place with low air pollution
The virus spreads easily in areas with high levels of air pollution, viruses can adhere to particles well due to their structures and surface characteristics, and thus viruses spread naturally also in dust.
Vitamin D level
Corona virus is often linked to vitamin D deficiency, and scientifically vitamin D plays a key role in the manufacture of immune responses to infection, including once morest corona. In addition, a study conducted by the University of Cantabria in Santander, Spain was able to conclude that 80 in One hundred of all treated Corona patients suffer from vitamin D deficiency, but doctors do not advise taking vitamin D, because vitamin D tablets had no significant effect on the treatment of acute respiratory infections.
– normal weight
Previous studies have found that being overweight increases the risk of the patient needing to be hospitalized for treatment due to Corona disease, as obesity not only triples the risk of infection with the Corona virus, but also increases the hospitalization rate. In this regard, the doctor, Pete Williams, mentioned several other diseases associated with weight gain and infection with corona infection: “There is also evidence that diabetes, the presence of chronic inflammatory diseases, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease are associated with a higher risk of infection with corona.” You have contracted corona yet, the reason may simply be that your weight is within the normal range.
– Doing exercise regularly
Anyone who exercises regularly (ideally three or more times a week for at least 30 minutes) not only keeps fit, but also strengthens their immune system, which benefits them in avoiding infection with the Corona virus, in addition to the secretion of the hormone “adrenaline”. During exercise, it increases the number of immune cells in the blood and sports enthusiasts usually have a better lung function than those who do not exercise.