Hautes-Pyrénées: attacked with a knife by his neighbor in Vic-en-Bigorre, he rips his chin off with his teeth

Two neighbors of Vic-en-Bigorre appeared on Monday, June 27, before the Tarbes court for reciprocal violence. During a violent fight on Wednesday June 22, one received six stab wounds, the other lost his chin.

On the evening of Wednesday, June 22, the gendarmes of Vic-en-Bigorre were urgently called to rue Jeanne d’Albret for a knife fight between two next-door neighbors. When they arrive, the police find ND, 40, vociferating in the street shirtless and bloodied. He told the gendarmes that he had received six stab wounds from his neighbor A. F, 64 years old. Calmer than the first, the latter has a gaping wound on his face, since part of his chin has literally been torn off by ND’s bite, according to him.

Both victims and defendants, both were presented this Monday, June 27 in an immediate appearance hearing before the court of Tarbes for reciprocal violence, and found themselves side by side in the box after their respective visits to the emergency department of Tarbes , and several hours of police custody. Only, if the two neighbors agree that they had a very friendly relationship until then, it is difficult to understand what led them to tear each other apart in this way.

Lock and opinel

“The only reliable testimony on which we can rely is that of your landlord’s daughter”, introduces the president of the court, Muriel Renard. That day, the young woman went to ND’s home to notify him of a late payment of rent. Surprised, the man retorts that he has paid his due to his father’s partner, his next door neighbor and friend AF “She tells you that he is in no way his father’s partner and leaves ask him to return the money, ”continues the magistrate. “That’s right”, confirms ND “I was introduced to AF two months before. He helped me find this apartment and everything was going very well. We ate together, we even left our front doors open for his female dogs to come to my house. But I started having doubts because things were going missing in my house. After what she told me, I asked the girl to change the lock for me. »

The young woman immediately leaves to get the appropriate equipment and drops it off in the afternoon at ND, who hastens to put it in place and double lock herself up. But in the evening, she receives an SMS and calls for help from the latter. “Around 8 p.m., AF broke a hose. He started to break down the door and told me that he was going to kill me”, assures ND “He was drunk and said that he was going to drop the female dogs on me. Frightened, he grabbed some oil and washing-up liquid and spilled it on the floor. “He broke the door and the frame, threw himself on me with an 21 cm opinel and the female dogs. We fell to the ground. Me on him. And he started stabbing me. »

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If ND says he bit his neighbor on the cheek to defend himself, a piece of AF’s chin is found behind the sofa, as well as hairs from his beard in ND’s mouth. In the emergency room, the doctors prescribe twenty-five days of ITT for AF, six for ND


If AF, admits having broken down the door “to recover things lent to this friend who betrayed his trust”, he assures that it was ND who threw him to the ground and tried to strangle him with the TV cable before ripping his chin off.

“But where are the traces of strangulation?” “, asks Me Stéphane Jaffrain, lawyer for N. D, who pleads self-defense and acquittals for his client, against whom the deputy prosecutor requested two years in prison like his next-door neighbor. “When you are locked up at home cooking and you break down the door of your house, I call it being attacked”, supports the lawyer.

Mathilde Mouton, counsel for AF, details the serious health problems suffered by her client, and the worsening of his alcohol problems since the death of his companion in January. Arguments that do not convince the court, which pronounces his sentence.

And to justify his decision with ND who sees himself relaxed: “The court is not fooled. You really ripped off Monsieur’s chin. But you tried upstream to protect yourself with dishwashing liquid. Biting to get rid of stab wounds is indeed a proportionate act. »

At the end of the hearing, AF was imprisoned.

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