Hatzidakis: “The interconnection of POS with cash registers will be completed at all costs.” – What are the fines for non-compliance – 2024-02-22 13:09:55

The countdown to interface of POS with cash registers has already started and it is now considered unlikely that it will not “run” within the predetermined deadlines. It is indeed the statement of the Minister of National Economy and Finance, Kostis Hatzidakis, is categorical, leaving no room for different interpretations: “the interconnection of POS with cash registers will be completed at all costs”.

One of the most significant steps is to institutionalize fines for all levels of involvement in the POS interface with cash registers. They reach up to 300,000 euros and concern businesses, POS terminal providers, imports – manufacturers and electronic invoicing providers.

Within the next week, the minister and those involved with the specific issue, from the political leadership, will have a series of contacts with the banks and possibly with the market operators, in order to close possible outstanding issues until “D-Day”. And this is none other than the 29th of February, which is also the last day for everything to work perfectly, since the following March 1st, the cashier and POS interface button is scheduled to be pressed and the fines for the debtors to run.

It should be noted that the POS acquisition deadline has been extended to February 29 with the provision of no fines until the end of March, provided that collection has taken place but not installation. From April 1, however, non-installation of a POS, in the 35 new branches, carries a fine of 1,500 euros, to be followed by a multiple fine for non-interconnection.
However, the issue of connecting the POS with the cash registers, within the deadlines that have been set, apart from the fact that it is a cut in the tax administration, which will significantly limit the possibility of tax evasion, is important because if the data changes there is a risk that it will be lost community funds.

Risk of losing funds

As the Minister of National Economy and Finance, Kostis Hatzidakis, has emphasized, “if the project is not completed within the timetables, the country will see its funding from the Recovery Fund interrupted, even partially. And we’re not going to allow that.”

At the same time, a regulation has been submitted to the Parliament, which provides for stricter fines and sanctions not only for any delinquent businesses that have not connected the POS with their cash registers, but also for the providers of POS, ERPs and cash registers in case they do not they cooperate.

The fines and sanctions in case of non-compliance with these provisions concern all the links of the chain, i.e. all the companies involved in the implementation of the interconnection project, namely:


Any overdue businesses that are required to connect their systems. In particular, for any overdue businesses that are obliged by law to connect their POS terminals with the cash registers and do not do so within the schedules, the following is provided for:

1. A fine of 10,000 euros, if it is an obligation to keep a simple accounting system, or 20,000 euros if it is an obligation to keep a double accounting system.

2. The fine is reduced by 50% when imposed on users of POS terminals operating in settlements with a population of up to 500 inhabitants and on islands with a population of less than 3,100 inhabitants, except for places declared as touristic.

3. If the same offense is committed within five years from the notification of the initial act imposing a fine, the fines are doubled and for each subsequent same offense within five years from the notification of the initial act imposing a fine, they are tripled.


POS terminal providers. In the event that these companies do not cooperate with the requirements for the operation and interconnection of the POS with the cash registers, as defined by the AADE, it is mandatory:

1. A fine of 200,000 euros. However, if the same infringement is committed within five years of the notification of the initial act imposing a fine, a fine of 300,000 euros is imposed.

2. Those providers who do not take any action to upgrade their terminals for which they appear as administrators in the Payment Means Register then:

a) the compliance declaration ceases to be valid, i.e. the possibility for the POS terminals to be compatible with the market conditions, and a fine of 100,000 euros is imposed, by decision of the Governor, and

b) a fine of 500 euros per POS terminal for which they have not upgraded it. The fine is not imposed if the non-upgrade is demonstrably due to no fault of theirs.


Importers and manufacturers of cash registers. In the event that these companies do not cooperate in the implementation of the project as defined by AADE, then there may be:

1. Revocation of the cash register model’s suitability license for those who have not carried out the necessary actions and technical checks to ensure its interfacing with POS terminal types

2. A fine of 10,000 euros.

Electronic Invoicing Providers that interface with Business/Accounting Management Programs (Enterprise Resource Planning, “ERP”). And in cases where these companies do not cooperate in the implementation of the project then:

1. The documents issued by the ERP program will not be considered legal.
2. A fine of 10,000 euros

Finally, for violations concerning installation technicians’ obligations, i.e. submission of a customer list statement or sending information related to technical support services, the following is required:

1. A fine of 1,000 euros per non-declared, late-declared or inaccurately-declared customer to whom F.H.M. technical support services are provided or who accepts them. or business/accounting management program (“ERP”) services.

2. This fine is not imposed, as long as the undeclared, late declared or inaccurately declared customers to whom the above services are provided do not exceed 15% of the total number of customers or do not cumulatively exceed ten (10), per entity that provides the related services.

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