Hatzidakis: The green transition, an opportunity to turn the country into an energy exporter

Hatzidakis: The green transition, an opportunity to turn the country into an energy exporter

“In recent years, the myth has been cultivated in Greece that a complete deindustrialization has allegedly occurred, every production process has stopped and Greece has become exclusively a service economy. In fact the evidence shows that in recent years there has been a very significant progress, I would say a renaissance of manufacturing and industry.”

These remarks were made by the Minister of National Economy and Finance, Kostis Hatzidakis, during his speech at the 8th Annual Economic Conference of the Hellenic Businessmen’s Association, in the context of which he quoted the relevant official statistics: “According to ELSTAT, the industry has increased the participation of GDP from 12% in 2019 to 13.8% in 2023. At the same time, again based on data from ELSTAT in 2023, compared to 2019, we had an increase in workers in industry of more than 7%. Whereas, based on data from the European Central Bank, the increase in manufacturing productivity between 2019 and 2023 reached 20.4%.

At the same time investments have increased by 53% since 2019, the biggest increase in the entire EU, our exports have doubled between 2008 and 2023 and reached €98 billion while in the period 2020-2022 the share of goods in exports exceeded significantly the corresponding share of services and in 2023 the ratio was about 50-50, (while previously the ratio was 2 to 3). At the same time, the share of high-tech exports in total goods exports has increased.

Hatzidakis: Those who claim that Greece “does not even produce a pin” are refuted like this
“There may not have been a revolution, but the direction is positive. And in any case, there was no deindustrialization”, noted Mr. Hatzidakis and added: “Those who claim that Greece “does not produce even a pin” are refuted like this. “On the contrary, the increase in investments and exports is proof that our production model is gradually diversifying. And of course it is linked both to growth rates that are multiple times the European average and to the very significant reduction in unemployment. The progress is the result of the effort made by the companies themselves, the workers, but also the economic policy that combines fiscal seriousness with a pro-investment approach. If we don’t have positive developments in the economy, how have half a million new jobs been created?” he wondered.

Mr. Hatzidakis made special reference to energy, underlining the progress made in the green transition which will allow the country to turn from an importer to an exporter of energy. “This is a factor of optimism for the country, for its competitiveness and prospects, not only with environmental but also with economic importance,” he stressed. “However, a substantial European policy is also needed, especially in the area of ​​networks, as the Draghi report rightly points out.”

Presenting the next steps included in the planning, the minister mentioned, among other things:

-In the new incentive framework for mergers, acquisitions, research and innovation, included in the tax bill which is under consultation. As he said, the new framework will be the most competitive framework for these issues across the EU. “Because before we adopted it we saw what is in effect in other EU countries and tried to go up several steps,” he said.

– To continue the effort for a more robust banking system that will provide liquidity to the market, with reinforcement of the 5th pillar, intensity of competition and expansion of the “Hercules” program that will lead to a reduction of “red” loans at the European level.

-On training issues, noting that with the policies implemented during the period when he was Minister of Labour, emphasis was placed on skilling and reskilling in modern green and digital skills. “A modern economic policy cannot ignore the need to constantly upgrade the skills of the workforce. That is why as a government we have put forward training programs in modern skills, from which more than 700,000 workers and unemployed will have benefited in total in the coming years. The effort must be continued and intensified, with an emphasis on a more transparent and efficient system of training certification and with the encouragement of intra-company training, which companies should view more warmly,” he added.

-To continue reducing taxes. “The government, he stressed, examines every proposal, as well as those submitted by the Hellenic Business Association”, he said. “I don’t want to say that we have come to an end and get false news out, I’m saying that further tax cuts are in the spirit of the government because we want to support competitiveness. But we measure every time before we proceed, so as not to jeopardize the goal of fiscal stability”, underlined Mr. Hatzidakis. And he added:

“Since 2019 we have reduced over 60 taxes: Corporate tax from 28% to 22%, capital accumulation tax, dividend tax, ENFIA, input rate on the lower income scale. Indirect taxes were also reduced, especially in transport. It is no coincidence that Greece, according to Eurostat, had the largest tax reduction in terms of GDP among EU countries, from 42.8% in 2022 to 40.7% in 2023. And the new tax bill includes 12 new tax cuts for 2025. And we’re not stopping there. Because our model combines growth with curbing tax evasion. So with lower taxes we have more revenue. It is, he concluded, a policy that also sends a message of justice, especially for law-abiding citizens, but it certainly also has a sign of development.”

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#Hatzidakis #green #transition #opportunity #turn #country #energy #exporter
It seems that you ‌have a JavaScript code snippet ​that is responsible for handling various script loading operations, including Google AdSense and other advertising or‌ analytics⁤ scripts. However, several asynchronous script loading functions (`asyncLoadScript`) and comments seem to be incomplete or commented out, which may lead to issues if not properly implemented. Below, I provide a cleaned-up version⁣ of your snippet. You might want to replace the placeholders with actual URLs or parameters‍ specific to your implementation.


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//‌ Vidoomy

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### Notes:

1. **Complete ⁢the Placeholders**: Replace the `/* your URL */` and other placeholders with actual ⁣URLs or required parameters for your setup‍ to work.

2. **Define `asyncLoadScript` ‌and `asyncLoadModule`**: Make sure that the functions you are using for loading scripts asynchronously, ​like `asyncLoadScript`, are defined elsewhere in your code.

3. **Ensure ⁢Proper Commenting**: Remember that comments can help you‌ understand⁤ the structure in the future but ensure they are used appropriately so they do not interfere with the functionality of your code.

4. **Testing**: After updating and ‍implementing the code, ⁤thoroughly test to ensure all integrations work ⁤correctly⁤ and ads load as expected.

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