Hasyim Asyari’s PAW Process Must Be Accelerated – 2024-07-28 12:05:02

Hasyim Asy’ari. (MI/USMAN ISKANDAR)

THE Voter Education Network for the People (JPPR) is pushing for the acceleration of the interim replacement process (PAW) of the commissioners of the General Election Commission (KPU) of the Republic of Indonesia after Hasyim Asy’ari was dismissed from his position as chairman and member of the KPU by the Election Organizer Honorary Council (DKPP). Since the DKPP’s decision was read on Wednesday (3/7) until today, there is still a vacancy for one KPU member seat.

“JPPR’s principle is to encourage the filling of vacant KPU membership through the PAW process, which must be accelerated,” said JPPR National Coordinator Rendy NS Umboh to Media Indonesia, Thursday (25/7).

Rendy explained that the name of Hasyim’s replacement actually already existed based on the results of the fit and proper test during the selection process for members of the Indonesian KPU for the 2022-2027 period in 2022 at Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives. It is known that the seven names that occupy the top rankings, including Hasyim, are already on duty.

Therefore, the candidate to replace Hasyim through the PAW mechanism was the candidate who was ranked 8th at that time, namely Viryan. However, Viryan died of illness in May 2022.

Thus, the next candidate is the name ranked below Viryan, namely Iffa Rosita, who currently serves as a member of the East Kalimantan KPU.

“The next replacement is the next serial number, as long as it still meets the requirements. There’s nothing difficult about that,” explained Rendy.

Also read: The Process of Replacing Hasyim Asy’ari Should Not Take Long

According to him, the PAW process for Hasyim must be accelerated because the stages of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) are already underway. He said that the policies of the Indonesian KPU are currently very crucial in the midst of the ongoing stages. He also reminded that the leadership of the Indonesian KPU is definitively important to be determined.

“There should be a definitive one soon, so that institutional authority can run properly,” said Rendy.

After Hasyim was dismissed by the DKPP for violating the code of ethics of election organizers related to immorality on Wednesday (3/7), the remaining members of the KPU RI immediately held a plenary meeting and appointed Mochammad Afifuddin as the acting (Plt) Chairman of the KPU RI. Afifuddin still holds the position until now. (Z-6)

#Hasyim #Asyaris #PAW #Process #Accelerated



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