Haslen-Stein Parish Council Updates: New Leadership, Financial Decisions, and Website Launch

Haslen-Stein Parish Council Updates: New Leadership, Financial Decisions, and Website Launch

2024-03-23 15:45:00

The five-member church council is complete once more following the resignation of President Franz Dörig and church trustee Geri Breu. Brigitte Fritsche-Schmid was elected as the successor to the presidency, Geri Breu was followed by Peter Inauen from Haslen as the new church custodian. Actuary and Vice President Sepp Neff was confirmed, Marco Gschwend and Peter Sutter also remain in office. Pastor Lukas Hidber was also present as a Alex Reed. Pastor Johannes Epp, parish representative of Haslen, was also present from the pastoral care unit.

Haslen forms a district and a school community with Schlatt, but ecclesiastically, Schlatt belongs to the parish of Appenzell, and Haslen belongs to the parish of Haslen-Stein.

“No rapping goes to Rome”

Dörig commented on the reporting year 2023. Among other things, it was decided to close off the last five rows in the church due to the low number of visitors, said Dörig without much bitterness and added: “In this way, those who are still coming might move closer together.”

In Haslen-Stein, as in other communities, people leaving the church are also worried because they reduce tax revenue. Since the last Kirchhöri, 17 people have left the Haslen-Stein parish. In addition to the cases of abuse in the Catholic Church that came to light in 2023, financial motives were also mentioned, explained Dörig. Statements like “Send more money to Rome” or “then just raise taxes” are not uncommon. Dörig made it clear that not one cent of the taxes paid to the parish would be given to Rome.

No tax increase

There was no tax increase in Haslen this Friday evening: the parishioners followed the church council’s request to keep the tax rate at the same level despite the renovation of the rectory: for Haslen this is 18 percent income and assets, for Stein 0.56 units. The church council’s other proposals were also approved. This includes the 2023 annual financial statements and 2024 budget, a new loudspeaker system for the church and donations to the restoration of the church in Wonnenstein Monastery.

Kath-haslen.ch is live

The photovoltaic system at the rectory is dispensed with due to monument protection concessions, but the operation is still climate-neutral thanks to the geothermal probe and insulation.

The new website kath-haslen.ch has been launched, where all the data for masses in each parish can also be accessed.

As a final official act, Franz Dörig set the next parish on Friday, March 28, 2025.

#Brigitte #FritscheSchmid #Franz #Dörig

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