Has the back-to-school bonus increased this year? Our journalist explains

Back to school sometimes rhymes with expenses for parents. Each year, they are entitled to a back-to-school bonus from their family allowance fund. Several of them have asked us, via the orange Alert us button, if this premium has increased this year.

This year, the amounts of the school bonus have actually been revised upwards compared to last year, following indexation.

You are entitled to it once a year, just before the start of the school year, whether you live in Wallonia or Brussels. These are two different family allowance funds, but ultimately, these premiums and the conditions are substantially the same. From 22 euros for toddlers, and the older they get, the higher it goes. Up to, for example, 90 euros for over 18s.

Paid at the beginning of August, at the same time as your August family allowances, you should have already received it. That’s why your allocations are a bit higher this time: everything was transferred in one transfer.

All Brussels and Walloon families are entitled to it, as a little financial boost to cope with the school year, with two exceptions.

If your child was born this year, he must be born before July 1st. If he is 25, he must have celebrated his birthday following June 30. The amount therefore varies, depending on the age of your child, not on his school year, nor on the type of education.



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