has fostered ″the search for peace″

2023-04-16 15:41:00

The PS considered, this Sunday, that the president of Brazil has sought to encourage “the search for peace” in Ukraine, just like the French head of state, stressing that he had not heard the PSD ask for Emmanuel Macron to be demarcated.

Speaking to Lusa, the vice-president of the PS bench Jamila Madeira considered that “the position of Portugal, the Government and the PS have been absolutely clear from the first minute”, in solidarity with Ukraine and with the “defense of international law and condemnation of the invading state”, Russia.

Hours earlier, the PSD’s first vice-president, Paulo Rangel, had urged the Government to “take a public and formal position” demarcating itself from the statements by the Brazilian president that the European Union, NATO (Atlantic Alliance) and the United States United States of America (USA) is fueling war in Ukraine.

“What we see – as we have seen fostered in recent days by President [francês Emmanuel] Macron and now also promoted by President Lula – it is a legitimate concern of Portugal, of the Portuguese, of the citizens of the world, which is the search for peace”, countered the socialist deputy.

For Jamila Madeira, “without prejudice to vehemently condemning the moment of violation of the international law of provocation of this war by Russia”, it is necessary “to try as much as possible that, in the world context, the premise of peace is resumed”.

“I don’t think there is any doubt regarding this matter and, in relation to the diplomacy that each State promotes, all actions that may be towards peace are followed by us with the usual instruments. Just as we saw President Macron – and I don’t think that the PSD will come and say that we have to demarcate ourselves from it – I also believe that these are the motivations, well verbalized in several moments, of what president Lula is promoting”, he affirmed.

Asked regarding the position of the president of the IL, Rui Rocha, who defended that the Assembly of the Republic “cannot receive an ally of Putin like Lula on the 25th of April”, the vice-president of the socialist group responded indirectly.

“I don’t see any change in our relations, nor any change in the Portuguese position on this matter”, he said.

Lula da Silva will be received and will speak at the Assembly of the Republic in a welcome session on April 25, scheduled for 10 am, an hour and a half before the traditional solemn session that marks the anniversary of the Carnation Revolution.

The socialist deputy admitted that there are positions different from Portugal’s on the war in Ukraine even within the framework of the countries of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP), but made a point of underlining the “increasingly stronger relations between Portugal and Brazil” , both at the level of States and peoples.

Regarding possible criticisms of the position of the European Union (EU) in this war, Jamila Madeira defended that the EU has sought to “create conditions of support for citizens and conditions of resistance so that the war that is taking place” in Ukraine “can end as soon as possible “.

Speaking to journalists, the President of Brazil defended on Saturday, at the end of a visit to China, that the US “must stop encouraging war” in Ukraine and that the European Union “must start talking regarding peace”.

#fostered #search #peace



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