Harvest Moon Ball fundraiser for school ‘resounding success’ – News

A Night of Lights at the Harvest Moon Gala Ball!

Well, hold onto your hats, ladies and gentlemen, because it seems the tiny village of Kilkea has just outdone itself with its recent Harvest Moon Gala Ball, a fundraising extravaganza that, by all accounts, was a “resounding success!” Now, if I can just find my dictionary—who knew “success” was a code word for “we hope to build a classroom before the kids graduate!”

The local heroics of the parent association were on full display as they danced the night away at the magnificent Kilkea Castle. Yes, that’s right, the castle! I heard that the guests were treated like royalty. The castle’s owners, the lovely Cashman family, must have been in a particularly generous mood, or maybe they were just trying to distract us from the fact that we still can’t seem to find a permanent location for our misplaced socks.

Tom Hennessy, Antionette Hennessy, Con Hennessy, Denise Fay, Kevin Hayden and Lydia Aguerre

A lively crew: Tom, Antionette, Con, Denise, Kevin, and Lydia—who *may* have rehearsed this pose!

The locals came out in droves on October 5th—a testament to their community spirit, or perhaps their inability to say “no” to a night of dance and food. Whatever the reason, folks were digging deep into their pockets, donating cash, raffle prizes, and possibly a few pairs of socks in exchange for the entertainment of the night!

Let’s not overlook the fabulousness of the evening’s entertainment: Vegas Nights provided the soundtrack for what was described as “the party of the year”—or at least until the Winter Wonderland Ball reschedules in December. Because if there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s that in Kilkea, you can never have too many themed balls. Next up: The Marvellous Mayonnaise Ball? I’m here for it!

Lucy Behan, Gavin Behan, Jillian Owens, Kevin Maher and Collette Owens

The dynamic bunch: Lucy, Gavin, Jillian, Kevin, and Collette ensuring we all know how to have a good time!

What really stole the show, though, was the “autumnal tree”—a symbol of growth adorned with unique decorations made by the school’s budding Picassos! I mean, if only my attempt at art involved something other than a stick figure with existential crises. But let’s not get too sentimental; the tree was probably just as confused as we all were when we realized the evening would include both a goody bag and the possibility of winning a raffle item that might just be the talk of the office water cooler for years to come.

Mary Byrne, Catherine and Tom Keogh

Mary, Catherine, and Tom living their best lives. Watch out for the dance moves!

“Your kindness and generosity will make a real difference to the school and its future!” exclaimed the organisers. So, there you have it, folks—if you thought this little gala was going to be just another stiff affair with salad forks, think again! It was a delightful evening showcasing the wonderful community spirit of Kilkea, where parents, teachers, students, and their local superhero supporters all gathered around to make a real difference.

So, hats off to everyone involved! The kids may have been tucked away dreaming of their future classrooms, but the parents? They were out dancing with wild abandon, holding onto the hope that someday, those dance moves would land them a spot on “Dancing with the Stars” instead of “Dancing with the Sore Feet.”

Diane Owens, Laura Donnelly, Mary O'Brien and Pauline Davy

Are they winning the raffle or just trying to figure out who forgot the punch?

In conclusion, Kilkea has proven that no matter how small the community, when they come together, magic happens! Here’s hoping the additional classroom makes it easier for kids to learn—a lesson in unity, determination, and perhaps a little less *cough* “hands-on” art class experiences!

Until next time folks, keep those fundraisers going, those socks matching, and remember: in Kilkea, the moon isn’t the limit; it’s just the beginning. Cheers!



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